Proclaim Your Bitcoin is a Three Part series that will summarize the nature of man, the current state of man, and the future of man.
Part Three the future of man
In Part One of Proclaim Your Bitcoin we concluded that man has unalienable property rights and that man must work to enforce and maintain control of the products of his work. As Dr. Martin Luther King explained:
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
In Part Two of Proclaim Your Bitcoin, we concluded that the current managers of the Fiat Standard would do whatever was within their power to maintain their control of the global monetary system, including, lies deceit and manipulation, to incite wars and carry out unscrupulous cold blooded murders.
In Part Three we reach the holy conclusion of our trinity. Through the hero’s journey, borne from within the great fiat darkness, an eternal hope that was, that is, and that shall forever be; an orange Bitcoin sparked alight, blazing a path forward for all of its compatriots. For those that whispered among themselves “Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?”, and for those that demanded their property rights restored, with galvanized fiery determination in their eyes, a new path forward was set and fixed for all of time.
For those that know, the future is already here.
And as for the dollar? By the Grace of all that is good and true in this Universe… the dollar’s dead baby, the dollar is dead.
We shall posit this final constant at the outset. One of grave importance. That price is the barometer of freedom and liberty in this world.
For wherever prices rise — where the natural movement of human action works to bring technological innovation to all aspects of our lives, where prices have a general trend downwards, where the purchasing power of your money should grow over time, when and where we see this to not be the case — we can conclude with absolute certainty, the money has been corrupted. A leak has been created. The amoral thieving criminals have carved a hole for themselves into the monetary system, and thus, the whole of the economy that operates on that system, has been spoiled and turned what would otherwise be of great magnificence, into a game of negative sum.
There was once held the tragic nihilistic belief that the world is at best a zero sum game. That prices should remain stable over time. That there is a winner and a loser in every action. And on a given time scale this could be a reasonable and rational view of the world.
There was also once a long held belief that the Sun rose in the east and set in the west, that the Sun revolved around the Earth. And on a short enough time frame, without the tools or intellect to investigate further, this too was a reasonable and rational view of the world.
And yet, through mans will, through the burning desire to strive for more, fueled by the divine force of greed for more, man has birthed from his will unto this Earth, technological miracles beyond our ancestors greatest dreams. Man has developed languages and mathematics, molded the ground under his feet into flying planes, and space ships orbiting the Earth, and in so doing, man has learned that it is not the Sun that orbits the Earth, but the Earth that orbits about the Sun, and that life is not a zero sum game amongst the tribes of humanity that we should strive for, but a positive sum game, where each new bold step forward by one, is a step forward for everyone on this planet.
Through our interactions with Bitcoin, one-by-one, we’ve shaken from our mortal adolescence the long held belief that another man can better know how and when to spend the fruits of our labor. That a god, a king, a president, or an unelected minority can have some innate sense, better than us, of what hopes and aspirations we each hold dearest, and what’s more, how to go about achieving those grand ambitions.
In that land of hubris where the few made decisions for the many, the results were always the same, an eventual slow decline and then, a sudden collapse. What we had sown was indeed what we had reaped. For when man left his life in the hands of others, he had sold his soul, his most precious of properties, in exchange for convenience. For a false sense of safety and security, he became death, a dead man walking, a zombie shell of a man. The grand fallacy of that democratic way of life.
As the blind dumb and deaf tragically succumbed to their barren wastelands of ideas and totalitarian ritual sacrifice, the power vacuum they left would soon become fertile soil for the visionaries, for the bold, for those with their souls in tact, and for those that had done the work to reclaim theirs.
In the land of the sovereigns, the fifth turning took hold, where your words and your actions become more powerful bonds than any legal document or instrument of war, and quick work was made at improving all of life, on planet Earth.
What had already begun in pockets and corners of the world soon sunk deep roots, spreading like a virus across all continents of our garden of abundance on this third rock from the Sun.
The once mighty guarded walls of monopoly, and labyrinths of licensure, that had for millennia stifled innovation and prosperity, began to tumble, crumble, and fall. For the fiat theft that once maintained them, now no more, allowed for their inevitable and final decay and dissolution. There was no pomp or parade for the fall of the Fiat Standard, there was simply no longer pomp and parade of their glory on the nightly news.
The old world of corruption and coercion evaporated like a morning fog, at once there, obscuring man’s good works, and then, all but a faded memory. The Bitcoin Standard arose like dawns burning light. Opening our eyes to the world around us, to the friends and family we grew closer with, and the neighbors we rediscovered.
Much of the religious differences that once plagued our world with holy war began to melt away into holy community. For it was always monetary policies that had driven the wedges.
The Jews imposing interest on others, the Christians imposing interest on everyone, and the Muslims imposing interest on none. Together they discovered that with Bitcoin, borne of immaculate conception free of original sin, based in equality, in equity, it was at once both Kosher for Jews, Halal for Muslims, and it was the modern realization of the cleansing of the money changers as explained by the Christian, Matthew:
And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
It is difficult to see a world that is not yet here. It is still of greater difficulty to see a world that has never been. Yet, with some humility and simple accounting work, we can bring into view what lay just at the horizon’s edge, beginning to take shape, that majesty of magnitudes is coming into view.
It is a well known truth that if you see the incentives at play, you can see the outcomes before they arrive. One begets the next. A leads to B, which leads to C, inevitably. In the case of the fiat ponzi, what is worthless, remained worthless. There was no free lunch, the laws of the universe remained, thermodynamics held.
And within the great transition to a leak proof monetary system, fueled by low cost computing power, the outcomes were astounding.
If cheaper energy was the goal, as the Bitcoin miners churned their hash, then cheaper energy we all shall have. If computing power was the tool, then computing power we all shall have.
Pushing energy prices down, and computing prices down, all of the innovative technologies of the past, like steel and aluminum, nuclear power and relativity, were supercharged with the Bitcoin incentives driving energy costs lower and lower, and computing power capabilities higher and higher.
The ability to map out the smallest segments of the fabric of our universe to discover new and novel materials to push our world into rich new paradigms was limitless. We soon will reach that point in the story where we’ve only now learned how to harness fire, we are at the precipice of moving from a cave to a 1,000 story skyscraper, from learning how to jump into the air, to sending nuclear powered spaceships to distances far beyond our own solar system, never once fathomed.
But that is only the technological front. With a leak proof money, labor becomes a want, not a need. The two spouse working arrangement will become a barbarity of ancient memory. Mundane office work soon will be seen as incredulous as ritual sacrifice.
Homes will be built to last millennia. Cars built to last millennia. All fashion of electronics will remain for near eternity with simple replacement of key components. Why replace an iPhone every year, if you have one built of nearly indestructible carbon fibers and can simply replace or upgrade a microchip for a few micro sats. All of our data will be self hosted and stored on home servers, running at nearly zero cost, supporting the global network of computing power.
For through scarce money, abundance springs forth. Home security is of relative little need with the basic needs afforded to everyone. And the cash balances maintained in everyone's heads through memorized past down 24 word family songs recited from entering adulthood, removes the nagging uncertainty that once plagued the world. Anxieties fall. High time preferences vanish. The risk reward of a home invasion, of a war, is beyond possible. Far more useful is work.
For what are the risks in such a world? Exile from the community. There are no needs to formalize codes of conduct. We all know right from wrong, and should someone try to steal, the quick word will spread, this one is a thief, do not feed him, do not shelter him, do not clothe him, do not offer quarter, he is not a friend. Social norms become supreme all powerful open courts to judge rule and execute as needed, with exceeding precision, integrity, and efficiency.
The majority of the world called us crazy. They said that can’t be done. They said, the cars would never work, there were no roads for them to drive on, so we built the roads, and we have the cars.
They said you can’t run electricity in a home, it will burn the houses down, but we did it anyway, and with that same electricity you are reading this article.
They said you can never create a flying machine, but two brothers at a bicycle shop made it happen. They said the internet is a fad, that it will never be useful, and it has become the global information network.
They said Bitcoin could never be property rights for 8 billion people, it will never create cheaper energy for the world, but it’s already happening.
There is a movement on this planet that has gripped a certain cohort of visionaries, on every continent, in every country, in every town and village around the globe. There is a fiery intransigent minority that have made it their lives mission to bring permission-less, un-confiscatable, property rights to 8 billion people. There is nothing in this universe that can stop what has now been set in motion.
You cannot kill an idea whose time has come. With each false flag attack on Bitcoin, the antagonists only demonstrate their frailty and push more converts into the righteous human union. The network strengthens, weaknesses are shored up, and together with or without the soulless misguided wretches of the legacy fiat dark ages, we will bring forth a bright orange hopeful future. As Mr. Kipling once remarked about Bitcoin:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:If you can dream — and not make dreams your master;
If you can think — and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings — nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And — which is more — you’ll be a Bitcoiner, my son!
And so it shall be done on this good green Earth. Proclaim Your Bitcoin.
This is a must read!