Proclaim Your Bitcoin is a Three Part series that will summarize the nature of man, the current state of man, and the future of man.
Part Two the current state of man
Part Three the future of man
As explained in Part One, man must undertake work to satisfy his wants and needs, and man must defend the products of his work from both theft and entropy alike. This constant holds true even if the work conducted is theft. Even if man satisfies his wants and needs by violently taking from others, the thief must also work to defend the products of his theft and the systems that enables his theft, if he is to enjoy his stolen property.
The primary work undertaken by thieves to maintain their systems of thievery is manipulation. Deceit and lies are the tools of the trade for the thief. And there is no grander system of theft than the debt based monetary system of the US dollar, enforced under deadly monopoly powers and perverse amounts of public manipulation.
For those organized criminals that work behind the scenes within our governments, our banks, and within all manner of corporate and think tank "institutions" around the world, they apply a tried and true three step Hegelian dialectic approach to maintain the supremacy of their theft based US dollar system;
Step #1: (PRIVATELY) Identify the problem - a loss of monetary control
Step #2: (PUBLICLY) Identify any other problem - war, terrorist attack, cyber attack, etc.
Step #3: (PUBLICLY) Implement the solution - print more money and more regulations
With this approach, the thieving criminals find a public solution that can meet two requirements for them; first, the solution must solve their private problem, the loss of monetary control, and second, the solution must be able to be plausibly passed off to the public as the solution to the public problem that the criminals create.
Once a solution is found that fits these two requirements, the master manipulators proceed to make up, create, or induce their public problem upon the masses, and then they magically roll out the new solution that all of the crime ring has already been prepared for and briefed on so that they can role it out in lockstep to the unwitting public. In this way they solve their private problem, the loss of monetary control, without needing to explain to the public their actual problem.
Bitcoin is currently creating a serious threat to the supremacy of the US dollar. This is the private problem that the US dollar operators will not publicly disclose. This is the loss of monetary control private problem that the US dollar operators are currently contending with. So they need to find a way to reign in Bitcoin with a public problem. As a superior form of money that offers freedom and liberty, the US dollar operators may need a pretty nasty public problem to offset the benefits of the superior money in the eyes of the public. For example, with a ransomware attack that causes damage to a local hospital or electric grid, and ideally kills a couple thousand people in the process, the master manipulators could convince the unwitting public of the dangers of the competitive money, and they would then potentially have the public sentiment and political will to roll out their public solution, a Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”) that would limit the publics ability to purchase bitcoin.
For the criminals that operate the US dollar theft system, in the same way a foreign freedom fighter is a terrorist in the eyes of the US military, a competitive monetary system, like Bitcoin, is an extreme danger and threat that must be destroyed at any cost. The lying, manipulation, and false flag operations imposed on innocent people, in order to mold public opinion, is a small cost of doing business for those charged with the maintenance of the debt based, theft based, US dollar ponzi scheme system.
Unsurprisingly, the organized criminals that work to control the US dollar monetary system do not view their work as theft. In the same way that Bitcoiners view their decentralized permissionless equity based global bitcoin monetary system as a righteous tool for every person on the planet to voluntarily opt into, the organized criminals view their centralized permissioned debt based US dollar monetary system as the righteous tool to violently impose on every person on the planet, under the auspices of “freedom” and “liberty.”
In the case of the US dollar, the men in charge of it will do what needs to be done to ensure the US dollar maintains its supremacy and control over the world. Those that support the supremacy of the US dollar are the tyranny of evil men. Not because they want to be, but because they must be. Though the advocates of the US dollar may be trying real hard to be the shepherd, until Bitcoin, there was no better system, no better monetary tool, and its design has incentivized horrific murderous outcomes.
The debt based nature of the US dollar system imposes a zero sum at best, and more often than not, a negative sum regressive game for the coerced participants. This is the only way to maintain the supremacy of a debt based scheme as more is required each year to fuel the endless yield farming and suppress technological innovation. The people in charge of the US dollar kill those that try to use something other than the US dollar because of this underlying incentive. For example, former President Gaddafi of Libya was killed by those in charge of the US dollar, for the crime of trying to sell oil in gold based currency rather than the US dollar.
As another example, in October 2000, Saddam Hussein began a process of switching from selling Iraq oil in US dollars to selling it in euros. One year later an "attack" on the United States by "terrorists" that destroyed the twin towers in New York City, lead to the outlandish notion of WMD's in Iraq. In other words, a story was cooked up in 2001 by the US dollar enforcers, a public problem, as the pretense to invade Iraq, when in fact the entire operation was from the very beginning nothing more than a ploy to get oil sales back on the US dollar, to stop the loss of monetary control, the private problem of the US dollar operators.
The people in charge of the US dollar system will not only use military force to murder people in foreign lands to maintain the control of their monetary system, they will also use police force in the United States to kill people for the crime of not using US dollars.
When a threat arises to the US dollar, the men in charge of the US dollar will do whatever is required to remove that threat, including murder. This is the reality of the world that we live in.
The US dollar is a "fiat" currency because it is decreed, or dictated, by the US government to be money. If people had freedom and liberty of choice, they would use something other than the US dollar. But they do not have a choice, they do not have the freedom or liberty to choose, they are murdered if they do not comply. There is no freedom or liberty on this planet until people have the freedom and liberty to choose their preferred monetary system.
It is important to note that the forces that control the US dollar are reactive, not proactive. They have not the foresight nor intelligence to know what threat might arise to their US dollar theft system. For example a Google search of Central Bank Digital Currency ("CBDC") from 2009 to present shows there was essentially no discussion of it worldwide, until after Bitcoin began operations in January 2009, with the peak of "CBDC" search terms this past February, 2022.
What this tells us is that first, the CBDC was something pushed into development after Bitcoin's successful rise, and second, that because of Bitcoin's successful rise, they see Bitcoin as a competitive threat, and finally, that they are searching for a way to destroy it, and that perhaps they are considering a CBDC as that way.
Unbeknownst to the criminal midwits in charge of the supremacy of the US dollar, a CBDC cannot kill Bitcoin. What it could do however, is potentially slow the ability of people to buy bitcoin if the thieves do not allow the CBDC to be spent in that way. And that is likely going to be their approach.
But don't blindly trust what I'm saying. Verify for yourself. Listen to the head of the Bank of International Settlements ("BIS"), Agustin Carstens, as he explained at a conference in 2020 that "A key difference with a CBDC is that the central bank will have absolute control…that will determine the use…and also, we will have the technology to enforce that…and that makes a huge difference with respect to what cash is."
A dystopian nightmare. Imagine having no control over how or when or on what you can spend your money. If you thought the US dollar fiat system was bad, just wait until the CBDC dystopia dollar system is mandated by your friendly thieving overlords.
So on the one hand you have Bitcoin. Which is essentially “freedom money.” As Satoshi Nakomoto explains in the whitepaper;
And on the other, there is the CBDC, essentially "dystopia money." The perfect mechanism of control by the organized criminals who have no interest in your freedoms or liberties. And it is not only the BIS that is excited about CBDC's. The International Monetary Fund ("IMF") is also excited about dystopia money.
The IMF is so excited about dystopia money that they make grand proclamations that CBDCs are more secure and less volatile than crypto assets. Why would they need to point out that CBDCs are more secure and less volatile than crypto assets? Perhaps they think they are competing with Bitcoin?
According to the IMF, CBDCs help to serve the under-banked in the Bahamas. Lol.
That's strange. Maybe the IMF is not aware that anyone with a phone can use Bitcoin today, without any permission, and they can send the money to anyone in the world, instantly, without any censorship. If there was a sincere interest in serving the underbanked, the IMF would look at what is already working and try that. But they are not sincere. They are manipulative, lying, criminal, thieves. These criminals don't want people to have a permission-less money, and they don’t want people to have un-censorable payment options.
Turning now to the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau decries crypto currencies as terrible. Here is his recent comments on the use of crypto currencies where he explains that "telling people they can opt out of inflation by investing their savings in volatile crypto currencies is not responsible leadership."
By the way, Mr. Trudeau, its not crypto currencies, its Bitcoin, and I've been investing my life savings in Bitcoin for the past five years, and did I see my life savings disappear? Nope, I have more savings than ever and I used some of it to buy a home for my family. Seems pretty responsible to me.
Make no mistake, Bitcoin is a serious threat to the US dollar fiat system. And every leader that is tied to it will do whatever is necessary to keep the US dollar alive, and promote whatever new regime is necessary to maintain its existence or replace it with an even more controlled system, like the dystopia dollar.
And it's not just countries and banks that are pulling out all the stops to destroy Bitcoin. The World Economic Forum, lead by Dr. Evil himself, Klaus Schwab, is working very hard as well to keep the theft based US dollar system alive and destroy the freedom money that is Bitcoin.
Maybe you've not heard of Klaus. He was the one that got Justin Trudeau his job in Canada. But again, don't take my word for it. Hear it from him directly. He is very proud of penetrating the Canadian cabinets as well as many other cabinets around the world.
And what are our good friends at the World Economic Forum working on? Well what else but trying to discredit and destroy Bitcoin, the one technology that threatens the fiat dollar and the successor of the dystopia dollar. They are very proud of the new Ethereum progress as it has reduced its energy usage. Lol.
So wait a second. WEF puts Trudeau in place as PM in Canada. Then WEF pawn Trudeau lashes out at crypto. But the WEF just published a piece on their excitement of the new energy reduction of the crypto Ethereum? So why are we getting mixed signals? Oh wait, I know, because Ethereum, like all other crypto's, other than Bitcoin, are controlled by a small minority of people that can therefore be controlled by those in charge of dystopia money. Got it.
Well, lets see what former IMF chief, and now president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, has to say about Bitcoin. Oh, and by the way, Christine is a convicted criminal. While serving as president at the IMF she was an accomplice to an illegal $400M payment to friend of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy. Apparently you need to be a convicted criminal to work at the European Central Bank.
Christine suggests that Bitcoin is a "highly speculative asset which has conducted some funny business, and totally reprehensible money laundering activity…and there has to be regulations…it's a matter that needs to be agreed at a global level because if there is an escape, that escape will be used."
Wow. She's saying the quiet parts out loud. Here we have some clear admissions. First of all she says it’s useless, it’s highly speculative. Well, if that is the case, then why the regulations? I mean if it fails then why care about it, right?
Ah wait a second, it's because people will use it as an escape. But an escape from what Christine? From your dystopian monetary system?! Yes, that is exactly right. That is the quiet part said out loud. For team fiat and team dystopia, Bitcoin is an escape from their systems of control, death, and destruction.
Bitcoin is a HUGE threat to the organized criminals and their theft based horror show. So what do they want to do? They want to impose regulations. They want to keep you from escaping.
Here's what the United States Whitehouse recently had to say about Bitcoin.
Digital assets can be exploited by bad actors to do bad things according to the Whitehouse. Notice the shift in language. We're not going to dignify Bitcoin as a currency, it has been demoted to the lowly state of mere asset. At least they acknowledge that it is digital. They got that part right at least.
Remember, they will create a problem to push public sentiment to more regulation, towards their already concluded solution, a CBDC. Here’s what the White House has to say about the benefits of dystopia money.
The manipulation by the US White House approaches maximum clown world levels on this take. Of all the potentialities suggested, only one is accurate, the CBDC would help preserve the US dollar and support sanctions. In other words, it would help to reduce freedoms and liberties. Anyone that studies Bitcoin for any meaningful amount of time would conclude that CBDC’s are massively inferior to Bitcoin on all potential significant benefits offered by the White House.
All of that not withstanding, what types of terrible crimes have been committed with these dangerous digital assets, e.g. Bitcoin? What narrative has legacy media been quietly programming into the masses for the past several years? That Bitcoin facilitates ransomware attacks by cybercriminals.
Ransomware stories really pull on the heart strings. And what might a ransomware cyber criminal do to stoke the fears of the American public and generate the political will to push through dystopia money? What sort of controlled demolition chaos might such a "criminal" [read "FBI black op"] be able to do? I'm afraid to say, the US dollar managers might have a "fire sale" cooking up in the works. Scary stuff.
When people talk about ransomware attacks, what they are referring to is the situation where some evil computer hackers find their way into a centralized computer system, like the computer system that runs your cities electrical grid, as an example, and the hackers will threaten to shut down or cut off all of the power of the city, unless the evil computer hackers receive some specified amount of bitcoin.
There is a nice little article on this issue that NPR published after a ransomware attack of Colonial Pipeline in June of last year (2021). Purportedly, the US Justice Department was able to recover $2.3 million worth of bitcoin from the criminal masterminds…somehow, Lol.
The NPR article is a great example of how to mold public sentiment by tugging on the emotions of the passive reader. I encourage you to read the short NPC article.
Ok, hopefully you gave the short article a quick read. My guess is that your impressions were something like mine, that Bitcoin is operated primarily by (1) Russian criminals who are threatening our hospitals and energy grids here in the US, and that (2) the US needs to regulate cryptocurrencies to stop these nasty Russian bitcoin criminals ASAP, but in the meantime, at least we have (3) our trusted FBI to take care of the bad guys for now.
Let's not be passive readers, let's be active readers, and shred this NPC propaganda to pieces, like the critical thinking bitcoiners we are. ;-)
And by the way, don't get me wrong. I really like NPR. It is a fantastic source for finding out what the criminal mobsters have in store for us next!
First and foremost, the article strongly insinuates that bitcoin is primarily used by Russians. But not just any Russians, mind you, Russian criminal gangs. Lol.
The article explains that "many" cyber thieves live in Russia. First of all, how do they know that? Because they said so? Stop being a passive reader, be an active reader. And don't take my word for it, take theirs!
The article purports that "many" cyber thieves live in Russia, and the article also provides that "there is no way for us to associate a person with these wallets." So which is it? Are the wallets anonymous, or are the Russian criminals simply so brazen that they somehow attach their names to the random anonymous numbers that disguise them, just for the thrill of the chase. Absolute Lolz!!
And the article notes that the hackers are "believed" to be based in Russia. So don't worry about any evidence to support this claim. It's just a belief. We can feel it in our hearts, according to the FBI. Just like we all "believe" Santa Clause lives at the North Pole. Lol. Or just like they believed Russian hackers were interfering with the 2016 US presidential elections for Trump. It's ALWAYS the Russians fault. Complete clown world.
And the solution to these Russian Bitcoin criminal masterminds? The simple solution to these WMD's? Cryptocurrency regulations, obviously. What a clown show.
The question is not if, but when, these criminal psychopaths are ready to launch their next "problem" so they can implement their "solution." And what will their solution be? Who knows, perhaps a CBDC. One thing is certain, Bitcoin is a clear and present danger to the theft based system of the organized criminals. And therefore, we need to be prepared. Be ready for the unexpected, both mentally, and physically. Let's not get caught flat footed.
If the psychopaths leave us alone, great! But I wouldn't hold my breathe. So out of an abundance of caution, the least we can do is stay diligent, call out the hypocrisy of these criminals, and promote our freedom money. The more people we can awaken, the more our chances of getting through this transitional period unscathed.
The media machine has itself well greased up and ready to pump into the stupid peasant masses whatever insanity Dr. Evil and the rest of the criminal gang decide on. With the emergence of Bitcoin, they see a real threat to their criminal enterprises, so their hard at work in their laboratories cooking up the solution, a CBDC, or some other Orwellian regulations, and the problem, a ransomware attack, or who knows what the midwits cook up.
Whatever these criminal midwits decide on, the media machine is ready to hypnotize you with their lockstep "fair and balanced messaging" propaganda machinery. LMFAO.
Proclaim Your Bitcoin. Spread the signal of freedom money far and wide. Wake up your family, friends, and elected officials to the gaslighting. Share with all of them the facts in this article that explains the current state of man.
Man is born free, but he must fight to maintain that control. And Bitcoin is inevitable, but the path to the other side is up to all of us. The new Bitcoin monetary system is extremely dangerous to the current system. We can take the CBDC dystopian route, or the freedom route. The choice is ours. In Part Three of this series we’ll explore the future of man, thriving, on the Bitcoin Standard, based in reality.
wow, this newsletter is getting more and more explosive! Well done guys!
excellent write up, well done guys