Proclaim Your Bitcoin is a Three Part series that will summarize the nature of man, the current state of man, and the future of man.
Part One the nature of man
Part Two the current state of man
Part Three the future of man
In the process of summarizing these three topics, we will view mankind through the lens of monetary policy. Money is often mistaken as the root of evil. This could not be further from the truth. Money is simply a tool that binds and drives societies forward when it works well, and crumbles societies into broken pieces when it is working poorly. And folks, it has been working very poorly for a number of decades, as we can all sense in one way or another.
We are in a transitional period. But rather than blast our way out of it, since we have already been through too much shit at this point, we are going to have ourselves a peaceful revolution, whether the incumbents like it or not.
Understanding money and how human nature operates around it, is the only way to understand the incentives at play in the game theory of our human actions which together, make up the wild and glorious world we live in. With the fundamentals understood we can then view our current situation more accurately, and then best calculate how to meld money into alignment with those forces, and use it to supercharge the future for us, our children, and our children's children into a far distant bright orange eternity.
The same forces at work today were at work when the Egyptians constructed the pyramids, the Mongols sieged Baghdad, and the Americans had their Boston Tea Party. And, as modern and noble as we like to think of ourselves and our fellow man, at the end of the day, we are all looking out for ourselves and our families first. If it's a choice between “us” or “them,” we bet on ourselves every single time.
This is not good or bad. This is simply human nature. So rather than try and break these raw forces of nature, it is high time we acknowledge them, lean into them, and work with them.
So throw away whatever contrived programming your well intended parents, classroom teachers, nightly news anchors, TV sitcoms, and blockbuster movies have planted in those sedated brains of yours. As a child you were not responsible for your programming, however as an adult you have the responsibility to critically think, so turn those beautiful brains on. We're going to expand our minds through a voyage into reality. Buckle up buttercup. We're not pulling any punches on this one.
First, to survive and prosper in this world, man can either make the things he needs and wants, or he can take them. This was true thousands of years ago and it is true today. To use a modern linguistic framing of this notion; man can either perform work to satisfy his wants and needs, or perform theft to satisfy his wants and needs. There are no two ways about this. Either put in the work to build something, or figure out a way to steal someone's work.
Second, things degrade over time. Chaos and disorder are a constant pressure on mankind. The same harmless drops of rain water and gentle winds that can cool us on a hot day, can also disintegrate the mightiest of mountains over the grandest of time scales. As another example, no matter how bullet proof our computer code might be, the requirement to maintain and run that code on operational computers will always exist. In other words, the order that mankind fights and dies to create, is lost to the grand weight of entropy when there is no one left to maintain it.
To summarize these first two points, man must work to satisfy wants and needs, and man must defend the product of that work from both thieves and entropy alike.
You enter the world with the innate unalienable right of sovereignty over your thoughts and your actions. Although others may try to control your thoughts and actions, ultimately you have the sole vote on how you choose to think and act in this world.
Your short term and long term preferences and values change as you age, and as the environment around you changes. Your preferences and values are wholly subjective to you alone. As the master of your mind and body, you have the ultimate decision on operating your life in this world as you see fit based on those subjective preferences and values, that you alone maintain.
As the sovereign owner of your mind and body, what you produce with your work is by extension yours and yours alone to control and do with as you see fit. To suggest otherwise is tyranny. This was historically true despite unpaid slavery’s existence, and it is true today despite the modern day inflationary slavery, that persists.
To summarize these points, as the sovereign ruler over your thoughts and actions, what you obtain and control through your work can be defined as your “property,” and when a thief attempts to take control of your property without your approval, he is violating your rights, which can be defined as “violence.” In other words, your "property" is a rightfully obtained thing for you to do with as you wish. And "violence" is an action of a thief that violates your rights as a man to your ownership and control of your property, whether that be nonconsensual taxation, inflation, or the myriad other criminal actions against your fundamental rights of man.
Technology pushes the price of goods down over time; what is known as "technological deflation." Less work produces the same amount of goods over the long spans of time as we innovate. For example, cotton fields that once required armies of slaves for harvest, now require just one wage slave, with a tractor. Costs go down, prices go down. It's deflation, baby! Without thieves, this is the state of the world.
Conversely, organized thieves have historically monopolized (by threats of violence) the three primary activities of money; the sending, receiving and custody, of money. By maintaining monopolies of these activities, criminal thieves can print more money for themselves at no cost, and thereby extract the wealth of those that do not have license to print. This monopolized money printing pushes the prices of goods up over time as more money is chasing the same amount of goods produced in the economy.
We can confirm the growth of money printing by looking at the amount of debt outstanding that the organized thieving criminals ("governments") purportedly owe. Increased government debts are an approximation of the increased money printing, because governments and their licensed accomplices ("banks"), print money by issuing new debts. Just like how you can print money by maxing out your credit cards (I hope you're buying bitcoin with your credit cards, you beautiful sovereign degens)!
In other words, although technology pushes the price of goods down over time, money printing by thieves actively violates your property rights, and more than offsets the deflationary price pressure of your work, by inflating prices year after year, which you can empirically confirm by identifying that the price of things you normally buy have in general gone up over your lifetime. To better understand this concept, The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future by Jeff Booth is really a must read.
The criminal and immoral act of money printing not only causes prices to rise, it causes prices to rise in a nonuniform fashion. In general, those that control the means of production receive the illicit new money first and decide how and on what to spend their new found fortunes. Typically, scarce assets are purchased first, things that cannot easily be produced. For example, houses in prime locations, or stock and equity in profitable companies, are first purchased which then will increase in value much faster than the prices of other things like factory workers, or the price of firefighters, cops, janitors, farmers, and teachers. In other words, wages increase much more slowly than scarce asset prices. This unconscionable reality is known as the "Cantillon Effect" from the Irish-French economist, Richard Cantillon. To learn more about the society killing abomination that is the Cantillon Effect, check out this video.
Because wages go up slower than housing prices, over a lifetime, and indeed over generations, people need to work more to obtain a home. In other words, your parents, and even more so, your grand parents, could work the same number of hours as you, but purchase higher quality or higher quantities of equivalent goods. We can empirically see this because your parents probably could afford college with a summer job, whereas you may never pay off your college debts.
Mark Moss provides a great summary of this growing wage and pricing gap in this video, WTF Happened in 1971.
With ever increasing asset prices, the things you want and need become more and more expensive, and this leads to stress, relationship issues, marital problems, drug-alcohol and medication abuse, and a general break down of society as everyone is fighting with each other to get their piece of the pie, not realizing that the organized criminals in government positions are the ones destroying everyone’s lives and all of society. This is referred to as a zero-sum, or negative-sum game. Or more colloquially as a dog-eat-dog world, or the rat race.
To better understand this, The Fiat Standard: The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization by Saifedean Ammous is a must read.
Printing more money is always the solution for the thieves. As people feel the weight that they cannot get ahead, well intended politicians that are not part of the organized crime rings, are elected on promises to fix the societal breakdowns facing the ever growing middle and lower classes of society. The fix, offered by the criminals, is more money handouts like social security, school debt forgiveness, stimulus checks, etc. And all of this "free money" is printed from nothing through more debt creation. In other words, the cause of the problem was excessive money printing, and the solution to the problem, offered and pushed by the criminals, is a temporary fix of more money printing.
The additional money printing eventually creates even further divergences in wages and asset prices, to the point that the populace begins to consider the possibility that the politicians cannot solve their problems (which they can't, not with money printing), so they begin to wake up to this reality, that the money printer isn't working anymore, and conversely the political criminals in power along with all of their crime ring friends in the banking sector and the largest corporations, whom have been benefiting immensely, do not want the party to end. There is therefore the need for a scapegoat, something to blame the problems or deflect or distract the real problems of money printing. Historically this has been war.
When the British political criminals and their criminal banking accomplices were near bankruptcy in 1913, there was magically the need to print more money to fight a war, what the legacy media refers to as World War I. And a more recent example, when the repo market was near total melt down in September of 2019, there was magically the need to print more money to fight a war, what the legacy media refers to as the Covid pandemic that began in earnest, March 2020.
As noted by the early 20th century economist Ludwig Von Mises, if ongoing credit expansion is used to delay the final collapse of a boom, then a final and total catastrophe of the currency system will ultimately eventuate.
Eventually this chaos is no longer sustainable. The serial criminals running the money printing theft are out of options and need to roll their current scam into a new scam while giving the population a giant bath of losses [read "death and destruction"]. In the 1940's the nations of the world transitioned from a gold standard, to a gold backed US dollar standard on the back of World War II. In the 1970's the world transitioned from a gold backed US dollar standard to an oil backed US dollar standard, amid massive global price inflation and a self induced Vietnam war.
With the rise of Bitcoin and the very real possibility [read "certainty"] of its establishment as the new world reserve currency, the organized criminals will need to find a way to control some aspect of it. One way to accomplish this would be a “fire sale” and a restructuring of internet based interactions through draconian measures, under the guise of "muh safety" and a war on “criminal bitcoin ransomware attackers.”
Man must work to satisfy wants and needs, and man must defend the product of that work from both thieves and entropy alike. You have the right and responsibility to maintain control of the product of your work. And although technology creates a better world every day for everyone, thieving criminals actively attempt to steal the fruits of that technology and work.
You have the right and responsibility to enforce your control of your property including first and foremost the money you earn for your work. The nonconsensual theft of those that inflate the money supply is a treacherous crime that must be identified and called out for what it is, before it is too late. The criminals have cooked up horrific wars to maintain their criminal operations. With the amount of debt these criminal organizations owe the rest of the world, they will likely try something terribly awful to reset the system and start a new scam like a Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”) for example. A complete collapse of the internet under the pretenses of a Bitcoin ransomware attack is all too possible.
In Part Two of this series, we will explore the current sordid state of affairs the criminals have us in and begin to consider the possible outcomes of our current state.
Until then, never forget that we must stand up for our unalienable rights. We must proclaim that the product of our work is ours and ours alone to do with as we see fit. Opting out of a thieving inflationary system, and into an equitable one of our own making is not only just, and right, it is founded in the fundamental decency of mankind and the basis of our societies.
Proclaim your rights as a man among men, Proclaim Your Bitcoin, or face the consequences.