Well said. When it comes to the plandemonium I too was horrified at its effectiveness to control virtually every mind I knew. A friend I’ve known over 30 years no longer speaks to me because I called him out on his cowardice. People are still testing for covid at the first sign of a sniffle. Curious how, Spanish, Swine, Bird, SARS, MERS and all the rest ended. But Covid goes on in perpetuity like the Energizer Bunny. One hellacious psyops, no?
There are two roads to clarity. Social and Scientific. The social aspect involves a literal shit-ton of hypocrisy, obfuscation and cunning via our betters that you do not need to be a person of letters to spot. Indeed it’s easy to shine a spotlight on behaviors that clearly contradict the narrative. Even those with eyes jam packed with hypnosis cannot explain why our puppet masters were freely moving about the cabin while we were belted-in tray tables up. They were not mortified.
The sciencey stuff was easier to beguile. Most MDs only know the Cliffs Notes version of epidemiology/immunology. They work in a top down dictatorial model whereby they are rewarded for following orders and not thinking outside the system. Loss of license is always looming for free-thinkers. So they, and their PAs, NPs and underlings are in effect medical lemmings. Easily controlled. Nay, to get to answers takes a special person steeped in biological resources and possessing the balls to speak up. The Science of Covid was always a case of, “The PhDs I listen to vs the PhDs you listen to.”
Add to that the controlled opposition, charlatans and snake oil salesmen. And the Science becomes anything but. So I like to focus on the behavioral side of things.
Like when famed British epidemiologist Dr Neal Ferguson was hired by the WHO to draw his expert conclusions as to the severity of the looming crises and what could be done about it?
He went to Italy for data. And wrote a terrifying synopsis. Hundreds of millions were sure to die unless drastic measures taken. Mass isolation unprecedented in human history were recommended.
Sound the alarm!!
But while we were under house arrest two very odd things happened. First, Italy fessed up that they did not delineate who died of vs with covid as most all of the deaths were octogenarians with multiple pre-existing conditions.
Even more stunning the famed married Doctor who authored our lockdowns was caught during lockdown (!) visiting his mistress for a fling. He wasn’t worried.
These red flags happen at the very beginning of the shit show. With many more red flags to come.
Never forget music masks were a thing. That’s right. Masks with a hole through which orchestras could play their wind instruments.
Hats off to the hypnotists. And as long as morons still test and insist they have covid to this day. It’ll never end. I never imagined people could be so brain fucked in my lifetime.
Well said. When it comes to the plandemonium I too was horrified at its effectiveness to control virtually every mind I knew. A friend I’ve known over 30 years no longer speaks to me because I called him out on his cowardice. People are still testing for covid at the first sign of a sniffle. Curious how, Spanish, Swine, Bird, SARS, MERS and all the rest ended. But Covid goes on in perpetuity like the Energizer Bunny. One hellacious psyops, no?
There are two roads to clarity. Social and Scientific. The social aspect involves a literal shit-ton of hypocrisy, obfuscation and cunning via our betters that you do not need to be a person of letters to spot. Indeed it’s easy to shine a spotlight on behaviors that clearly contradict the narrative. Even those with eyes jam packed with hypnosis cannot explain why our puppet masters were freely moving about the cabin while we were belted-in tray tables up. They were not mortified.
The sciencey stuff was easier to beguile. Most MDs only know the Cliffs Notes version of epidemiology/immunology. They work in a top down dictatorial model whereby they are rewarded for following orders and not thinking outside the system. Loss of license is always looming for free-thinkers. So they, and their PAs, NPs and underlings are in effect medical lemmings. Easily controlled. Nay, to get to answers takes a special person steeped in biological resources and possessing the balls to speak up. The Science of Covid was always a case of, “The PhDs I listen to vs the PhDs you listen to.”
Add to that the controlled opposition, charlatans and snake oil salesmen. And the Science becomes anything but. So I like to focus on the behavioral side of things.
Like when famed British epidemiologist Dr Neal Ferguson was hired by the WHO to draw his expert conclusions as to the severity of the looming crises and what could be done about it?
He went to Italy for data. And wrote a terrifying synopsis. Hundreds of millions were sure to die unless drastic measures taken. Mass isolation unprecedented in human history were recommended.
Sound the alarm!!
But while we were under house arrest two very odd things happened. First, Italy fessed up that they did not delineate who died of vs with covid as most all of the deaths were octogenarians with multiple pre-existing conditions.
Even more stunning the famed married Doctor who authored our lockdowns was caught during lockdown (!) visiting his mistress for a fling. He wasn’t worried.
These red flags happen at the very beginning of the shit show. With many more red flags to come.
Never forget music masks were a thing. That’s right. Masks with a hole through which orchestras could play their wind instruments.
Hats off to the hypnotists. And as long as morons still test and insist they have covid to this day. It’ll never end. I never imagined people could be so brain fucked in my lifetime.