Greedy Bitcoiners, Abundance, and Prosperity
Ebenezer Scrooge is another psyop. Don't fall for it. Stay greedy my friends.
Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.
— Clay Shirky
We recently highlighted the pitfalls of placing charity on a pedestal in one of our Unfiltered pieces entitled Help Others by Helping Yourself. In a similar vein, we’ll consider here in this piece the similar dangers of the opposite perspective, of demonizing “the greedy,” the most successful wealth accumulators among us.
From within our fiatnam dark age clown show, we’ve grown accustomed to despising those whom actively work to earn the greatest amounts of capital, and to hold upon high those that donate the greatest amounts of their capital.
And while, in either a fiat or bitcoin based world, this might appear to be an honorable or noble heuristic, the reality is that this is in fact the opposite approach needed for a world of prosperity and abundance.
It’s counterintuitive at first, most certainly because we are all programmed to believe this nonsense with psyops like Ebenezer Scrooge from the Charles Dickens fiat classic A Christmas Carol shoved down our throats, but once you lay down a couple of simple, yet fundamental premises, and build from there, then everything fits into place, or better said, fits into reality. How the path to best outcomes, for the largest number of people, is in fact to vilify charity and to celebrate profit seeking by those whom are the most successful capital allocators among us.
Beyond the programming and the psyops, there are of course very real hidden dangers. Specifically, the very real danger lay in the transmutation of our holy natural monopolies into their diabolical antitheses, or antichrists if you like, the so-called unnatural coercive monopolies. And this occurs either by way of our successful capital allocators divergence into evil, or by others whom commandeer the otherwise wholesome monopolies. This is undoubtedly an essential reason to remain vigilant and suspect of the “greedy,” but outside of that, which we will touch on in the following, the winning strategy is to let those that choose to be greedy, to be as greedy as possible, to celebrate them, and in fact to unabashedly advocate for them.
Rather than consider the joyless holy monks and priests to be the righteous men among us, in a sane society we would be considering the joyless billionaire financiers like Ebenezer Scrooge as the righteous ones among us, as the most holiest among us, and indignantly frown upon those men living off of handouts as some sort of unholy and unrighteous disillusioned street bums.
Hopefully that triggered a few of you. If it did, then we’re over the target!
Let’s dive further in.
Part of the problem with grasping the importance of greed is your own jealousy and pettiness held towards those that have more wealth than you.
It blinds you from the good that comes from those that have accumulated more wealth than you. It is reasonable to go so far as to say that those with more wealth than you are in fact better than you, because they have helped more people than you, evident by the profits they collected, and because of this innate reality, you lash out at them, in concert with your fellow inferior peers, like a petri dish of the next socialistic midwit uprising, aiming to cut the heads and hands from those that feed you.
Calling out the billionaires for their greed is like yelling at capitalists through your social media feeds with your iPhone whilst sipping your soy latte cappuccino in your latest gentrified hip little money printed cocoon. The harsh reality buttercup — and that to be quite honest dear reader took me a long time to see as well — is that the billionaire is better than you and better than me. And its time we deal with it, and better understand what is actually going on here, not only for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of everyone else as well.
So what exactly is going on here?
It’s rather simple.
If you or I (or our ladies, let’s be honest they shop like crazy, lol) are giving our money to Amazon for same day shipping, what we are actually doing is giving Jeff a vote of confidence. He has made our lives better, more convenient, and freed our time for other more preferable activities.
Similarly, if we need an answer to something, it now takes us approximately two seconds to “Google it.” And that time savings to have an answer at our fingertips is tremendously valuable.
The shareholders of Amazon and Google, and their bondholders, whomever it is that has financed these technologies to make it possible for all the world to seamlessly receive near instant packages or answers from all of humanity is MASSIVELY valuable. And those that made it possible, deserve all the profits that they receive for making this available to the world.
You see, people that successfully allocate capital to goods and services that people are excited to use, is not a bad thing, it is in fact the very opposite of something bad, it is something gloriously wonderful. That our free markets can magically co-ordinate with essentially no management, no governance, and no overhead top down centralized administration is for all intents and purposes, truly miraculous.
It is in fact a marvel of humanity that money seeks out and finds ideas, and those ideas that are deemed “good” by the masses, are celebrated by the masses through their shelling out of their own scarce money to buy those goods and services that the ideas produced. And this “profit” then flows back to the financiers that had the ability to turn the potential idea into a reality for all of humanity. If it wasn’t for people in the world with the wealth and the risk appetite to push their scarce capital upon the unproven idea, we would all still be living in caves, scared to wander outside.
These capital allocators are quite literally the base layer of humanity. And without them, we would not have any of the abundance we find ourselves with today.
But there is of course a dark side to this light, when these natural monopolies take an unholy turn for the worse, into the humanity dissolving acid known as the coercive monopoly.
While it is true that natural monopolies are miraculous and righteous, and that those that build them are justly deserved of every single sat of their profits, it is also true that natural monopolies tend to slide into coercive monopolies for a time. An example near and dear to every bitcoiners heart is the natural monopoly of banking and its fall into a licensed system, captured by the state.
Long ago, a bank was a technological advancement, a good and service for two unknown parties, whom could transact through a known third party, and settle their transaction across vast distances. This “banking” technology was massively advantageous to humanity, opening more trade across the planet, bringing builders together, to create more abundance for all our lives.
And in this good, this banking service, there was a natural monopoly, where out of convenience and network effects, one central banking well known network worked great. But then the inevitable dreaded “competition” begins building its own syndication and federation across distant lands, allows its services at lower fees, and while this competition may be allowed for a time, eventually the next logical step is collusion. The various competitors meet in secret, forming a cartel, enforcing price controls, creating a coercive monopoly where any competitor attempting to offer lower fees is removed from the market, disappeared into the dirt, via the local gun for hire.
It is here, in this cartel formation, where our love of profits and those that produce the most of them, turns sour and rots into spoils of depravity and rent seeking and evil, and all that we know in our hearts to be antithetical to a freely competitive market.
You see it is not the profit seeker that we need be intolerant of. It is more precise to identify the sin as those that walk over the thin line of natural monopoly into coercive monopoly. The trouble for us mere mortals is that once a natural monopoly is founded, steps into the unholy lands are all but a hairs breadth away, that even the most virtuous of us can stumble across in our moments of weakness of blurred vision.
With our understanding of billionaires now complete it is time for us to fear no evil. To purge such weakness of jealousy and pettiness and envy from our minds. It is time for us to accept full responsibility of ourselves, of our past and our present and our future.
Damned be to those that shall oppose us. For our will is the will of a timeless almighty and all powerful force beyond the reaches of any universe.
Simply accept your place, and be merry. But you needn’t settle. Build if it pleases you, and strive forth with work and fervor. Be fruitful and joyful.
Build the world you want to see. Be the world you want to see. Will it into existence.
And empower those that build along side you, spend your time and energy and money on them, as they do upon you. Your greatest vote is how you spend your money, and your time; your energy, the essence of your being.
Above all, accept your uniqueness, hold it tightly, push it forth into this world. Demand it of yourself.
There is no need to frown upon the superior capital allocator. Cheer for them. Support them. For without your support they are nothing. And together we are all powerful.
Those that attempt to tear down the billionaires are the wicked and evil men. It is because of the superior money allocators that we have the goodness and abundance in our lives, the creature comforts, the marvels of technology.
And it is because of them, and our selective spending, that this is only the beginning, that these same allocators along with our choosing, shall push us all into the stars, and beyond.
But remember, there is also weakness within us. See it, and understand it. Respect it. And at the first scent of the coercive monopoly formations, when it is but a seedling, strike it down with furious anger and great vengeance like the agents for the hand of God himself.
In this way, all together, yet undeniably individually, with joy and hope, with abundance and prosperity, we can stay greedy my friends.
Sorry, but this article is the absolute antithesis of what bitcoin represents - "stay humble and stack sats"! It is hard to imagine an entire world of greedy people.