What the world needs now, more than ever, is a heaping dose of self love, self help and self encouragement. The world has beaten you down since birth. At every corner, at every decision, across the globe, the fiat machinations have surmounted a 24/7 assault on your existence. Milking you for every harvest you’ve ever sown.
And yet, that is not enough. As if being a wage slave is somehow not enough. After taking everything from you, the cherry on top is to convince you, of how not only are you a slave with nothing, and property of the state, you are also a self indulgent selfish sinner.
They tell you that you haven’t donated enough. They tell you that you haven’t volunteered hard enough. That you haven’t been generous enough with your earnings. You haven’t spent enough time working for free at the local shelter. They tell you that you haven’t spent enough time on your knees confessing of your worthless sinful nature, that you haven’t prostrated enough, fully accepting what a pathetic worm you are for not giving enough of your time.
Enough is enough for crying out loud.
We are up to our eyeballs in self loathing and self flagellation.
What a massive scam.
Not only do you no longer need to be a wage slave to their fiat shenanigans. You also don’t need to be giving away your time and money and energy to charity.
In fact, I submit to you here and now, the bold fresh invigorating idea that giving away your time and energy and money to charitable causes is in fact one step along the slippery path to hell, paved with best intentions, a path well worn by socialist think boi midwits.
What the world needs now is a healthy dose of “go fuck yourself” with muh charity campaigns. Show me a profit and loss statement or go fuck yourself with your warm fuzzies and idiotic detachments from reality. Sure you can have my money, but only if you offer me a good or service that I need. And yeah, I’ll take your money, but only if I can provide you with a good or service you need.
Get the fuck out of here with your self indulgent charitable campaigns already.
Enough is enough of this hand waving madness. What the world needs now is to cut off the hand outs. To not accept the easy answer. Feeding a hungry man for a day, does not teach the man how to get food for himself. It teaches him, and all the others watching, that people will give away food without work. It is an evil act. A stupid and ignorant act. The strong, long term view, the low time preference action, the action that builds a better future is to force people to earn your goods and services, to become a profitable business, a for profit enterprise.
Charity is for the weak and stupid, much like government. They are two sides of the same coin. One enforced by coercion, the other by guilt, and both by idiocy and complacency.
I submit to you that charity is the younger sibling of big brother government, that free money can never be a good thing, that all efforts spent out of some form of well intended actions without compensation, are, as a matter of fact, destructive actions. That you would be better off simply lighting your home on fire or breaking some windows in the neighborhood rather than giving your time energy and money away to some “not for profit” outfit. At least then you know that the effort to fix the thing that was broken would be going to something worthwhile.
Our actions in the volunteer space are like the amateur version of the state and national political pros. A bunch of hand waving with all best intentions, in the name of justice and peace and growth and safety and security, but in the end is precisely the opposite.
I submit to you, that it is an impossibility to conclude on the success of an endeavor without a profit motive. That a “not for profit” endeavor is in fact a “not for success” endeavor, in the same vein as a government financed by “voluntary taxation” is an endeavor doomed for failure when people realize that they are no longer interested in submitting their voluntary tithing.
What I propose to you here is that in fact, not only are charitable organizations misguided, they are in fact by definition, evil operations, blinded by their best intentions. And that those that contribute to such organizations are complicit in the evil doing.
I suspect that even for some of you based readers this comes as a shock to you. That’s how long gone cucked we are.
Pay attention.
Think it through.
Without a profit motive, there can not be a sustainable framework of operations and that therefore, as such, the actions of all involved are the actions of a ship of fools, sailing out to blue waters, with holes in their vessel, and praising the leaks with hand waving hugs of lunatic rationalizations and insane revelations about how this is the sacrifice we must make to generate the good we are aiming for.
I submit to you, that what we are dealing with here is peak fiat insanity, where profits and losses are cast aside as something not relevant for “the mission” and it’s successful accomplishment. I submit to you that it is in fact only in the most absurd of upside down clown worlds, only in a thoroughly corrupted world where printing of money has entirely saturated every aspect of our lives that people can walk around with a genuine belief that a “not for profit” operation is somehow, not only logical, but worthwhile, something to be held up to as a crowning achievement.
Think about it.
If Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are giving their wealth to charity, you know it is evil.
We are walking in the dark here, dear ladies and gentlemen. We are truly in the depths of a deep darkness when we haven’t the sense to see that profitless endeavors are nothing but childish fantasies, not worthy of a grown mans time or energy. It is in fact embarrassing to our ancestors that we masquerade with the belief that through warm fuzzy feelings we can guide ourselves through the cosmic seas of cold harsh realities. Warm fuzzies are not going to stop an asteroid from obliterating life on this planet. Warm fuzzy feelings are not going to sustain your family when there is no longer food available in the store shelfs. Warm fuzzy feelings are not going to stop the man with a gun from taking what he wants.
Step into the light, dear ladies and gentlemen.
I am sorry that I am the one that has to break this to you dear reader, but you are walking around in a haze of illusion, of delusion and misdirection, on the precipice of a misstep into an oblivion that you wont be able to come back from.
You need to recognize the insanity of throwing your scarce time and energy and money at someone else’s warm fuzzy feelings or your own warm fuzzy feelings.
It’s time for you to slap yourself in the face, and recognize that you are not absolving yourself of your sins through these charitable actions, but instead, quite the opposite, that these are the sinful actions. That what you should be doing first and foremost is working on yourself, helping yourself, becoming the best version of yourself. And let me be the first to tell you. You are a sorry sack of shit of the person that you are able to become. Your first step in this realization, is to cut out the bullshit charades of donating to your local not for profit, and instead, to take that time energy and money that you were lighting on fire, and become your own damn charity case.
You’re not better than the people you are donating to, you worthless flesh bag. How dare you think you are better than those that you are allegedly “helping” as if your cup is running over.
You want to do something admirable with that local not for profit?
Turn it the fuck into a for profit operation. Force people to want to trade their money for your goods and services. Only in a for profit operation can you truly unlock the potential of human ingenuity and creativity and good nature.
The not for profit larp is a self loathing abyss of self congratulatory masturbation where warm fuzzy’s fill the childish imaginations of socialists and communists in training.
There is nothing noble or righteous about blindly throwing your time and money around with the best of intentions.
Not for profit operations are the first step on the path to hell paved in best intentions, the same path that you will find democratic governments, communistic governments, and socialistic governments. It is a path to ruin, in the land of midwits.
No self respecting man should ever find himself in a not for profit charitable endeavor. It is a cesspool of hollow virtue signaling and midwit intellectualization.
A charitable organization is just a euphemism for what it actually is, a perpetual failed start-up. And every cent or sat you throw at it is not only doing nothing, it is harming those that are trying to save in their cents or sats. And what is more, it emboldens the morons running these operations to try even bigger perpetual failed startups.
It is truly amazing how people are so retarded that they think giving their money and time away to an organization that operates on warm fuzzies is somehow an honorable action. It is in fact the opposite. It is a dishonor to yourself and to your fellow man, to the decency of men that don’t hide behind the euphemistic banners of “charity”, to actually go out there and try to build a profitable business, because it is not easy. It is hard sobering and humble work to try and to fail.
What a just and honorable man does is to not wear the mask of “charity” or “not for profit”. And what a lost, wicked, and evil man does is hide behind the banner of charity and not for profit, in the hopes that the warm fuzzy’s will absolve themselves of their actual sin, the sin of not respecting themselves, the sin of lying to themselves, to pretend that their childish fantasy is somehow a legitimate sustainable effort amongst the tapestry of men that came before them, who fought back the lions and bears and wolves, to claim a slice of this good green Earth as theirs, and to erect the modern world that you scoff at.
I submit to you, dear ladies and gentlemen, that in the name of all that is holy and honorable and just, it is time to stop being charitable, to stop playing make believe, to stop living in the fiat asylum.
It is time to start helping others, by helping yourself. So roll up your sleeves. Put your big boy pants on, and get the fuck to work.
Nicely put.