I’m not saying there is a conspiracy to keep you from the truth, to stop yourself from your obligatory freedom and hope, from your pursuit of happiness and salvation, from self ownership, self determination, and self respect, but I am saying it’s damn time to cut yourself loose from those long held malignant beliefs that you don’t even know exist.
There are two paths in life. An evil one, grounded in fear, and zero sum works of theft, or one based in hope, and positive sum works of freedom.
It is time we dilate those mental pupils of yours, and soak in some universal realities.
The first part of our challenge is to refresh, reframe, and reexamine the words we utilize.
And then we look evil squarely in the eyes, and identify the two big lies.
Lastly we identify the obligations we must accept, to live a life of freedom and hope.
Buckle up.
The word evil for example, it invokes religious tones and context. But it need not.
Or perhaps better said, religious sounding words such as evil do indeed hold profound cosmic depths, profound religious meaning, but something more, something much greater than anything a centralized religious doctrine might ever be able to convey, something inherently personal, private, and greater than all of us, beyond the bounds of any singular centralized religion.
For some of us, perhaps many of us, centralized religion has ruined our understanding of the world around us because it has disconnected us from so many valuable words that the centralized religions have poisoned with their dogmas.
(And I’ll take the higher road here and confess that these centralized religions may have done so with best of intentions. Certainly by and large most of us wake up in the morning to make our lives better for ourselves and our loved ones, not to make the lives of others worse off.)
For example, “God” might mean something wholly different from one person to the next, and that is okay. There is just so much baggage around these “religious” words. Words like holy and sacrifice and evil.
That baggage around many words is a problem because we need to use these words within the context of our daily lives. Their meanings are applicable beyond the centralized confines of some religious order, be it Buddhist, Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or any of the many other centralized orders.
The words these religions use are powerful and extremely useful, so we shouldn’t be deterred or fearful from growing into our own meaning of them, from growing into their meaning for ourselves as we see it to be. Let us not leave them trapped within the narrow confines of some centralized religious disorder that has led us astray.
If and when we boldly stretch out our minds to the utilization of these words in our daily lives more often, it drives our thoughts and actions into deeper meaning and purpose. It allows us to view the world with a more vivid and full palette of color. Waking up in the morning and feeling “blessed” can have a very real and impactful feeling even though that word might not fall squarely within the lines of some centralized religion as it were.
In short, let us dust off the religious scriptures from all the great works of all the religions, allow the magnificence of their words to carry us forward, not through the confines of some required dogmatic usage, but forward through the limitless universe that we wield with our individual wills into the good works that we are all destined to accomplish.
It is time we free our minds with the full library of words available to us, to our unyielding drive forward, as free men, based in hope, with relentless optimism.
With an open mind let’s now dive in deeper, into a very misunderstood word, the word evil.
Most everyone understands “evil” to be some terrible unidentifiable dark nebulous thing that somehow takes good people over and leads them to commit heinous acts.
We often here of evil in the context of a battle taking place between the forces of good and evil, as if there is some ethereal plane where the godly powers of good and evil exist, and these powers fight each other through human action. Somehow, allegedly, these ghostly powers fill the spirits of certain people and through them these powers battle each other for the sake of universal power in a game older than time.
That notion never sat well with me. It feels sort of Tooth Fairy-ish or Santa Clause-ish.
Although I may not be your typical God fearing church going religious type, I am certainly humble enough to know I don’t know what I don’t know, including the potential realities of an interdimensional God or of good and evil within that context. Having said that though, there seems to be a certain type of evil that we can and should contextualize, outside of the bounds of centrally organized religions, and within the bounds of conscious reason and honest, logical, well meaning and constructive thought.
In this light, a wonderful definition of evil was offered to us by the Englishman John Milton in his 1667 work Paradise Lost, written at the time of the English so called Glorious Revolution, about 20 years prior to the English Bill of Rights, and the establishment of the Bank of England 10 years thereafter, in 1694.
Jordan Peterson explains his Miltonian understanding of the nature of evil in this way:
Evil is the force that believes that its knowledge is complete. That it can do without the transcendent. And as soon as it makes that claim, it instantly exists in a place that’s indistinguishable from Hell. And it could get out, merely by admitting its error, and it will never do that.
— Jordan Peterson
Here at the Simply Bitcoin Substack, we like to take the Miltonian and Petersonian view in our writing whenever possible. Words matter. And the use of them aught to be as precise as possible.
In this Miltonian light we can understand evil as ignorance, and defeat it.
Do not fear the evil of ignorance. Be hopeful about it for we carry within us all an ability to destroy it, through education. Simply understand that evil knows not what it does. This insight allows ourselves the ability to see the possibility of resolving much evils of the world by something all of us can accomplish, through compassionate understanding, empathy, and education, or by buttressing ourselves against the evil of those well intended midwits that line the halls of the innumerous defunct centralized institutions that litter our globe.
With the insights of Milton, we can rise to the challenges of defeating evil, but not in the battlefields of guns and bombs. Instead, we can accomplish our obligations on the battlefield of ideas, of memetic warfare, and through competitive work, where knowledge and comedic insights, and above all, where truth reigns supreme.
In the same way that a calming and peaceful late morning Sun patiently rises to dissolve away the morning fog and restore vision to our eyes, with the great light of truth we can dissolve away the ignorance of evil and restore thoughtfulness and reason to the well intended midwits among us.
If we don’t defeat the evil, we end up with evil running the show. And over a long enough time frame, over multiple decades, the evil becomes lies, and hell and death ensues.
A society built upon evil lies is a society destined for destruction, sooner or later. Maybe not tomorrow, but one of these days fate and its four horsemen are bound to arrive.
For ages people have attempted to stop the lying money printing monopolies, but the inevitable evil ignorance creeps in, clouding the dialogue, and the lies spread, like a virus. Because of the evil ignorance, nobody calls the lies out, and the doom loop gradually spirals larger and larger pulling everyone and everything beyond the event horizon until suddenly there’s nothing but death and destruction, store shelfs empty, murder and pillaging in every neighborhood, where society devolves from civility to survival.
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
— John Milton, Paradise Lost
The same was true for the Roman Empire, and the British Empire, and the same is true today, for the American/Euro/Asian Global Western Empire with US and UN military bases spread across every corner of the planet, and the mighty paper fiat denominating every transaction.
With each new transaction, the tide of debts rise. We are all quite nearly drowning in an ocean of credits, of paper currency, an ocean of bad debts, of lies, of evil ignorance, ready and able to flood the world in a deluge of hyperinflation should the bond holders declare no mas.
And they will. Eventually, and then suddenly, they will.
History tells us they always do.
There are two lies that have clogged our proverbial drain of cosmic reality, on all of this debt and deception and evil, and they are (in no specific order):
taxation (and inflation) is the cost of a civil society
intellectual property rights are necessary for innovation
Evil lies are quite possibly the worst possible human action. Maybe even worse than murder or rape because lies that are bad enough can murder entire societies, and rape entire cultures. Lies are perhaps the greatest source of evil mankind has ever known. Lies are so destructive precisely because we are led to forget their existence because of their insidious nature. The way they slowly embed themselves deeper and deeper into the beliefs of generation after generation until the lies buckle under their own weight attempting to suppress gravity. They are a wicked plague that eventually blankets humanity in darkness.
But fear not. Fortunately we now have Bitcoin, a very strong and very effective antidote to this lying virus. And with it we can shine the disinfecting light of truth on these two big lies, the lies of taxation and of intellectual property rights.
Through unconfiscatable bitcoin as our base layer we can escape the proverbial hell on Earth the evil midwits have made for themselves.
Taxation is a fear based public policy, and intellectual rights are a theft based public policy. The only solution to these two bad public policies are to fiercely oppose them through diametric opposing actions, through obligatory personal policies of hope and freedom, respectively.
The evil (ignorant) ones tell us all that intellectual property rights are necessary for innovation to occur. That without such copyright laws, or patent enforcements, the world would no longer innovate, that there would be no incentive to create.
Well sorry, but I’m here to tell you, that is obviously a load of horse shit. It all falls under the broad plagiarism psyop to keep you ignorant on the whole scam.
Please, for the love of all things holy, plagiarize the hell out of everything. You are not stealing someone else’s ideas when you plagiarize. What you are actually doing is setting free someone else’s good ideas from their coercive monopoly, and sharing them with more people, making the world a better place. Plagiarization of ideas has the equivalent good upon society that hoarding money has.
Both are massively beneficial to the people of the world, and both are equally condemned by evil fools who know not what harm they do by pushing such coercive monopolistic idiocy on ideas and on money.
The entire purpose of creating intellectual monopolies is to keep costs high. It is in fact pro coercive monopoly privilege. It is not pro innovation. It is anti innovation.
The thieves that carry out their retarded actions are all the evil ignorant people that demand you accept their nonsense trademark laws as a requirement to motivate businesses to innovate.
Our job is to robinhood these morons out of existence. To set innovation free, and allow it to flourish.
We have an obligation to our ancestors and our descendants to set innovation free from the monopolistic thieves, and allow it to flourish.
When Satoshi innovated Bitcoin into existence, did he try to lock it up behind a patent? No, absolutely not. The only person that tried to lock up freedom money behind some retarded intellectual property rights was the serial fraudster and criminal scammer Craig Wright.1
When Linus innovated Linux, did he try to lock it up behind some gilded paywall? No, of course not, he is not a thief, trying to steal freedom from people. The only person that spends his fearful time trying to lock up freedom code behind some immoral patent law is our dear friend Kill Gates, and his monstrosity Microsoft.2
We have an obligation as free men to unlock ideas from the fearful thieves that hoard them. So go forth and free the ideas upon the world, for the good of all humanity. It is our righteous duty.
Good artist copy, great artist steal.
- Pablo Picasso
The other great lie we must combat is the horrid idea of taxation.
When the midwit left argue for welfare, what they are actually telling you is that they are scared they might fall into a situation where they can’t take care of themselves and they are worried someone might not take care of them if they should fall into such a state of affairs, and therefore they demand that you help them should such a situation arise, through coercive taxation (and inflation).
I’m sorry buttercup midwit lefty but that’s not how this works.
I look out for me and mine, and you look out for you and yours. If you don’t have anyone in your life willing and able to help you, then maybe you were a shitty person and should have been a nicer person, and a more generous person and solved more problems for people and added more value to society so that you could be rewarded with savings to get you through the tough times.
Just because you didn’t hustle all summer long when the going was easy and get ready for the winter when times get tough, doesn’t mean I need to work for you too (paying you some portion of my labor through taxation and inflation). I’m working all summer long trying to get ready for the winter myself, and I don’t have time to take care of you too.
The hard reality is that freedom comes at a price, and the price is personal responsibility. There is no free lunch in this universe. You need to work for your food shelter and clothing, and friendship, and families, and if you don’t, well that’s on you, not the rest of society to bail you out with an income tax or a monetized federal deficit spending budget.
And it is the same story on the right.
When the midwit righty argues for warfare, what they are actually telling you is that they are scared that they won’t be able to defend themselves if someone tries to take their property, and that should such a day come, they need you to defend their property for them (by taking some of your labor through coercive taxation and inflation and paying for an army you don’t need).
Once again, I’m sorry buttercup midwit righty, but that is also not how this shit works.
Here too, I have an obligation to look out for me and mine, but not you and yours. If you don’t have the personal accountability required to arm yourself and train yourself and protect yourself and your family and your property, well, that’s not my problem, that’s your problem!
It wasn’t a national military that stopped the British army in the American revolution, it was a bunch of based freedom loving hardworking men that took up their own arms and held back the greatest military at the time. Free men do not require organized militaries. And I’m sure some of you midwit righties are thinking to yourself well sure, but you can’t stop the US army with some back woods militia.
Well, apparently you’ve never heard of Vietnam. Go read about how some untrained backwoods based men stopped the mightiest military to ever exist.
The point is, whether you are a left brain midwit statist, or a right brain midwit statist, all of it is grounded in your own fear and selfish demands for someone else to absolve yourself of those fears by taking other peoples property (i.e. taxation and inflation).
Welp sorry princesses, but that is definitely not how this works going forward.
Us free men operate on a baseline of hope and self responsibility and self accountability and liberty. The only thing your welfare and warfare funded nonsense is doing is cutting in on our efforts to look out for us and ours, and to build stronger more resilient localities for ourselves, the base layer of a stronger more resilient, globally cooperative society.
So get the hell out of our way or get run over.
Do not give the fearful your money. You have an obligation to be hopeful and use all the fruits of your labors as you see fit. It is the only sustainable path forward.
Do not allow the cowards to hide behind their hoarded monopolized intellectual rights. Do your best to robinhood their ideas, and free them for the benefit of all mankind.
And lastly, do not allow the centralized religions to monopolize some of the most valuable words humanity has ever conceptualized. Practice their use. Feel blessed. Rejoice in today. You needn’t be a church going faithful to use these words. They are available for you to find your own deep meaning within them. I am sure if you give it a try you will find your life filling with joy as you unlock their personal meaning for yourself.
Freedom and Hope are Obligatory, my brothers and sisters.
Let us proceed accordingly.
This is an amazing piece of writing. Well done!