It all begins with our youth, groomed at an early age, inside our state sanctioned public indoctrination (“education”) systems.
Doesn’t matter the country.
It’s a global phenomenon at this point. It’s happening in the classrooms within China, Brazil, Canada, Germany, South Africa, New Zeeland, the United States, and all the rest.
And it doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or misguided best intentions.
The top twenty percent that get the “good” grades?
Those are not grades of aptitude for adding value to the world.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Those “good” grades indicate an aptitude for blindly following orders, to comply harder, to become the next class of midwit administrators of a corrupt inhumane system.
A system of cowardice and fear.
A system of authoritarianism.
A system of totalitarianism.
In short, a system of evil and jealous zealots.
Again, with best of intentions as their starting point.
And this is the diametric opposite of what an actual “good” and healthy and sustainable system is built upon. A good system employs courageous, hopeful, adaptive, empathic, and humble human beings. Humans willing to break bad laws and color outside the lines when necessary.
The beginning of the end for those evil zealots starts with the consummation of their central banking system; a public private joint venture cobbled together along the Georgian shores of Jekyll Island.1
The beginning of the end starts when your friendly local national government, and your friendly local national central banking cartel begin surveilling your every move, “for your safety.”2
They start restricting you from your money because of “climate change” and “greedy capitalism.” Then they fractionalize your savings into oblivion because “that’s the price to pay for a functioning economy,” you stupid peasants.
Should’ve learned how to comply harder.
Should’ve gotten those precious A’s and B’s in your indoctrination training camps so you could have one of those fat paying comfy admin jobs closer to the money printers.
All of the centralized systems gravitate towards the money printers and inevitably buckle under their own weight.
The whole psyop begins to unravel as the “stupid peasants” finally see the light, hear about Bitcoin, learn about scarcity, subjective value theory, and opportunity costs, and understand that the number of monetary units within a given monetary system need not increase, so long as divisibility of those monetary units can increase.
It’s 5th grade math.
And we just needed a better technological innovation to implement the sound Austrian theories, now so obvious in hindsight.
Finally, we all see plain as day what lay hidden for generations behind our friendly authoritarian's tissue paper currencies; a sham of monopoly, privilege and obedience.
And now we can’t unsee it.
All of it really begins to end when the “stupid peasants” start sharing this information with their brothers and sisters across the imaginary national borders that those A and B “good grade” midwits fawn and feign over, and throw bombs over, “for your safety.”
Next thing you know the “stupid” peasants aren’t so stupid any more as all their conspiracy theories turn into conspiratorial facts, one by one. Next thing you know the peasants tribe up into a decentralized army bigger than all the national armies of all the nations combined, and the once mighty nations shrivel into tourist traps, ala Vatican City and the fall of the church before democracies filled the power vacuum.
But that is just the beginning.
Next step is the unlocking of the peasants polymath savagery that always was within them. And lastly, when these humble, brave, kind, and thoughtful men and women add a dose of courage to their resumes… well, at that point, its game over.
It all begins to really unravel when all of you based legends and hero’s, yes all of you dear readers, when you dig your heals into the Earth and find your unalienable rights, sitting where they’ve always been, hidden inside yourselves. That’s when you declare enough is enough, and you get on zero, opting the literal fiat hell out of your life.
There’s nothing new under the Sun.
This cycle has been playing out since time immemorial. And we’ve told it in countless different ways here at the Simply Bitcoin Substack over the last couple of years.
The evil fills our lives with nonsense until us remnants can’t take anymore.
Same old story.
Every. Single. Time.
The history books show this to be the case 100% of the time, for thousands of years. Probably for tens of thousands if they didn’t burn and rewrite so much of it. And this time will not be different, in that regard.
However, this time we’ve got digital fire on our side. A true zero to one moment in human history. First there was fire. And then there was Bitcoin.
This time we have cryptographic math, and global speed of light comms that are unlocking in unison a global network of remnant plebs, within every industry, at every level of the socioeconomic ladder from street bum to Fortune 50 billionaire, from the poorest countries to the wealthiest.
And every single one of us has the exact same resolute unflinching ride or die mission.
Fix the money.
Fix the world.
We’ve got it permanently etched into our hearts and minds and spirits now.
If you’re against Bitcoin, you’re against freedom.
And if you’re against freedom, you’re gonna lose.
Freedom prevails.
Every. Single. Time.
Can you smell it?
That’s not just Kill Gates chem trails in the sky.
That’s not just climate change you smell. That’s the smell of hope, of a corrosion of conformity rising in the air, fueled by the desperate yearning for truth and honesty and candid dialogue.
It’s everywhere.
Permeating social media, political institutions, financial organizations, places of higher learning, in the countryside’s, the inner cities, amongst some of the wealthiest men on the planet, the most well connected men on the planet, and the top professional athletes on the planet. Everyone, everywhere is jumping into Bitcoin. You’ve got MMA champion fighters telling the crowds to read Austrian economics.3
We will no longer conform to your blind obedience model.
We do not trust.
We verify.
You should be scared, midwits, the peasants are taking the fuck over.
The levee is indeed beginning to break. And when the levee breaks, you have no place to hide. Repent now administrative midwits while you still have time to use your precious fiat cuck bucks to get ahold of the scarcest thing on the planet.
Many of us were also part of the midwit industrial complex just like you. But our humility and curiosity and courage guided us to The Bitcoin Standard.
Read it already.
Do it.
Find that light inside you and let it guide you.
Find the hope within you and don’t let go.
Do you have the courage to repent?
Do you have a mind to change?
What is money?
What is time?
If you love your country, if you love your family, if you love yourself, if you have any flicker of hope and belief in tomorrow, read Saifedean Ammous, motherfuckers.
Do it right now.