There are many parallels in bitcoin vs fiat money and atheism vs religion. Because “separation of church and state does rhyme with separation of money and state.” Here’s an awesome lengthy article about this. https://open.substack.com/pub/belajarbitcoin/p/title-exploring-parallels-atheism?r=1uuxif&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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The more I think about it, *separation* of church and state is a misnomer. What actually happened was *replacement* of church with state. Big difference. And the more I understand the importance of money, it looks to me like the same is happening once again, a replacement of state with bitcoin.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Simply Bitcoin

It seems like readers will probably take you more seriously if you try harder to avoid simple grammatical errors like misuses of "there," "their," and "they're." and "were" vs. "we're." Also, "gaslighting" is one word, not two. Let me know if you would like me to proofread and edit your writing before you publish it publicly. I'll be glad to help out. Thanks for writing it.

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Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Do you have a twitter account I can DM you at?

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It's funny how some people try to associate Christianity or any religion with Bitcoin, when in fact almost all religion relies on blind faith and not-questioning their holy books or basic creeds, questioning means being banished or even killed. Bitcoin is like Agnosticism/Atheism for Money.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Simply Bitcoin

Being a Bitcoiner is good, but not a bitcoin worshiper. Attacking a basic Christian understanding of Love as some scheme of 'the man' is a shallow, misinformed, and non-historic proposition. Love of God and Love of neighbor aren't ephemeral feelings. Real Love is defined as willing the good of the other, for the other's sake. 'No greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friend'. Money/Bitcoin is a thing, a tool, an object, it's NOT a person or a friend to be loved. Love is a bastardized word in English with one word for varying ideas. Love of a bagel, or pizza, or Bitcoin, or money, or your wife, or child - these objects of love require different types of love. Maybe - St Paul who wrote the letter you're referring to, was touching on a deeper truth that should be considered. And he was killed by getting his head chopped off, as were most of the early Christians killed, and genuine Christians today. Willingness to be killed for faith in Jesus is not quite the actions of other grand schemers to control society. Bad people have USED the scriptures or Christianity for personal gain, but are always living contrary to the call of Jesus. 'You shall know a tree by it's fruit'

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Thank you for sharing your perspective. Your comments are very much appreciated!

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