The Hoarding Continues Until Morale Improves
There is a great sickness in the world that permeates all of life, but nearly all are unaware of it. The great sickness can’t be seen or heard, it has no taste or smell, and it can’t be touched.
This great sickness is much like the air you breathe, all around you and necessary to keep you alive yet something you never give even a moments thought.
Then one day, you see it and you can’t stop seeing it, everywhere. You hear it, you taste it, you smell it, and you touch it, everywhere. And you shout as loud as you can, look there, do you not see it too?!
And your friends and your family look but they do not see.
And then eventually you find people like you, scattered across the planet, screaming at the wind, asking if anyone sees it, and you scream back, yes brother, I too see it.
And you look deeper, and you see tens of thousands, just like you, making it their life's work to show the entire world, the air they breathe, is killing them, killing us all!
![Twitter avatar for @BitcoinSapiens](
The money printers have left us with one option, play in their perpetual rigged casino gulag.
Imagine their shock when they find out their lust for control was what ultimately destroyed their control.
We are but atoms of carbon, and the harder they squeezed us, the more diamond like we became, cutting through their ties that bound us.
They squeezed too hard. There are now too many of us that have become diamond, cutting through anything and everything, through all the lies, and all the deceit. We are now an unstoppable force. A force they’ve created and unleashed into this world.
We are the intransigent minority with one guiding mission, one north star, one certainty in this life, to see that their ability to bind people to their yoke is forever annihilated.
We are here to see that their memory is left only in our history books as a warning to future generations, about how they created us and how we filled the world with liberty, freedom, and justice for all of mankind, forever.
In the crucible of the casino gulag, a new creature was born, one with an insatiable undying need to burn the gulag to the ground forever.
I am that creature. And there are many more like me. We work in your restaurants and serve you your food, we work in your gas stations and pump your gas, we work in your hotels and make your beds, we work in your airlines and fly you around, we work in your offices and prepare your tax returns, we work in your sports arenas and play your sports, we work in your schools and teach your children, we work in your hospitals and perform your heart surgeries, we work in your factories and build your phones.
We are here. We are there. We are everywhere. We earn our slave money, and we siphon it into the hardest, fairest, most just, and most equitable monetary network that mankind will ever build.
We don’t do it for fame, we don’t do it for glory, we do it to obliterate the casino gulag that you have us trapped inside. Every slave token we push into the network is a brick in your gulag that we pulverize into dust. And we will not stop until every brick is crushed into oblivion. You have already lost, you just don’t know it yet.
We will never stop buying and earning the bitcoin. We will never stop holding the bitcoin. You’ve created a force that you have zero control over. You have built your undoing and there is no force in the universe that can stop this process that has been set in motion.
The lower the price of bitcoin goes, the more of it that us unbreakable monsters get to gobble up and strengthen our resolve to annihilate your petty shortsighted insufferable idiocy.
We were born in the darkness of your fiat hell. And we hold in our hearts and our minds the light of the world. We are the truth and the light and the way. We serve the god of humility, through strength and honor. We are an undying immortal source of eternal light.
We cannot be stopped with laws or regulations, or prisons, or jail cells. Our strength comes from our internal will that is unbreakable. Our resolve is unshakable. You can kill us but you can’t kill the idea we’ve spread across the planet. Our code will forever run and our keys will forever be buried in our minds, untouchable from your megalomania, protected in the pristine gardens of our collective free will.
![Twitter avatar for @oldirtybitcoinr](
The adolescents running the money printers have taken one of the greatest innovations of humanity and found a way to pervert it into the most destructive force in all of recorded history.
The great significance of money is not simply its ability to satisfy the coincidence of wants, but that in so doing this, humanity is then freed to organize and collaborate based on this premise alone. Money is the governance mechanism that humanity is in search of.
The great galaxy brains that wax poetic about the virtues and struggles of our great democracies, fail to realize the true power and organizing force that is money.
Each and everyone of our monetary decisions is our vote about what we want, and about what we do not want in our world. Your purchase of a steak, a gun or a computer, is your direct vote to the suppliers of beef, bullets, and microchips that you are in favor of those industries, and that you are sending direct payment to grow those enterprises further.
There is no need to give your money to some third party to decide for you what they think you might want, because you are too stupid to know what you want. This is the most absurd mass formation psychosis of all time. Imagine thinking a stranger could possibly know better what you should or aught to do with your own hard earned money. The idea is complete lunacy at best.
What a self sovereign monetary system does, is it allows for the realization of the self organizing properties of money to provide the automated highly efficient governance that the galaxy brains are seeking. The New World Order is here, it is called Bitcoin. Yes, we are Building Back Better, but not in the way the parasitic troglodytes think. And yes, this is the Great Reset, but not the one the dimwits have been scheming about with their band of thieves. What a bunch of silly low IQ, low energy pushovers. Lol.
![Twitter avatar for @saylor](
Once you see that money is the governance system, and that all of the political hemming and hawing about is simply the prehistoric attempt at governing the monetary governance system, Bitcoin, and the implications of it, become abundantly clear.
Bitcoin is like the lighting bolt out of the blue that crystalizes all the theories and ideas about how government is flawed and why it doesn't seem to work. With Bitcoin we have perfected money, and the governance of it. And through this perfection, the harmonious balance of incentives, the need to tax and inflate evaporates away. For money is the governance system. The historic problem was that gold money, the best money to date, had physical characteristics that made it difficult to verify, difficult to divide and difficult to transport. So the political intelligencia came along and applied paper gold to solve the problem. But this introduces way too much trust. So the galaxy brains applied a band aid with “checks and balances” to solve these shortcomings. In fairness, there just wasn't the tech needed to properly solve the problem.
Computation, global connectivity, and cryptographic one way math were the missing tools that enabled the genius of Satoshi to compile all the parts of the puzzle together into Bitcoin. Bitcoin is pure money in its true form. That thing that allows human action to self govern. This can only be possible with a money of perfect verifiability, divisibility and portability, as well as the other aspects of money, durability, fungibility and scarcity.
With perfected money, there is no longer a need for a “democracy” or a “monarchy” as we understand them. With the perfected money that is Bitcoin, the truest forms of “anarchy” to have no rulers, and “democracy” rule by the people, meld into one, where human action is governed by the strictly limited 21 million supply of bitcoin.
Welcome to the future.
![Twitter avatar for @MAKS_Diogenes](
There are hundreds of thousands of Bitcoiners around the planet that excel at their normie fiat jobs for the soul purpose of stacking more bitcoin, regardless of the price. Those of us that have been around for a cycle or more, and some that learn more quickly, are price agnostic. For us, if price goes lower we get to stack more sats into cold storage to be passed on to future generations, time locked for our children, their children, and their children's children, and if price goes higher, we get to extinguish our debts and defund the credit based monetary demons faster than we otherwise would. This is not an asymmetric bet. This is an asymmetric certainty.
![Twitter avatar for @JeffBooth](
And if it is not the greed pushing us, it is the charity. For every sat hoarded is a price increase for those in third worlds using bitcoin on a daily basis. The giga chad’s of the world are the most philanthropic humans ever to walk the earth, for each new truck load of sats locked into cold storage, is an increase in wealth for all that come to find this undying savings technology that fuels humanity out of this World War 3 madness that the mental midgets of the world seem to be operating in with their Malthusian depopulation campaigns. GFY you globalist elite backwater maggots.
But here is where it get’s really interesting. For not only is Bitcoin perfected money, it is so for all of time with it’s error correcting open sourced software system whereby any new technology is simply uploaded into a new and improved version of the protocol. And if there is some malevolent or ignorant bug misplaced into the new code, the old code continues to run on hundreds of thousands of instances around the globe providing 100% uptime for the global reserve and payments network.
There really is nothing like this technology that comes any were close to competing. You are dealing with the collective will of the most courageous, the most disenfranchised, the most greedy, the most humble, the most technically savvy, and the most righteous humans that have ever walked the Earth together. These men and women of all walks of life, of all nations, of all religons, are working in concert to sharpen each other. The incentive alignment of Bitcoin is the equivalence of a collapsing neutron star into a black hole. There is no escape. The singularity has occurred on January 3, 2009. And there is absolutely nobody that can do anything about it at this point.
Bitcoin does not care about your opinions or your politics or your sexual preferences or your climate concerns. Bitcoin will simply eat up all monetary premiums on the planet, and when it has finished it’s appetizer of monetary premiums by the conclusion of it’s start up phase around 2140, it will move on to it’s main course, squeezing humanity for every ounce of innovation we can muster, as people seek to further their prosperity and reach for the stars.
You are not prepared for Bitcoin. You have no idea how short you are. Some of us however, have an inkling of the future. And for this reason alone, we continue to hoard the corn, like complete psycopaths, until morale improves.
Join us, if you dare.