The Bitcoin Tsunami Is Here
Multiple centuries of future altering human innovation has reached fruition
This past October 31st, 2023 marked the 15th anniversary of Satoshi Nakamoto’s publication of the Bitcoin Whitepaper.
In honor of the momentous occasion, the meme maestro Mr. Michael “Bitstein” Goldstein published to his X account, @bitstein, the most wonderful of vignettes which, with the opening grand scenes of 2001: A Space Odyssey as the backdrop, summarized the past 30+ years of research and development that has led to the final and, we strongly suspect, long lasting efforts of Satoshi’s project; our beloved final form of perfected money, the one and the only, Bitcoin.
Michael’s video is so good, we just could not resist to lean into and expand upon his approach for you here in detail with this article.
But first, please take a moment and savor Michael’s original mind altering masterpiece in all its glory.
In the beginning there were fire and smoke signals to pass communications across great distances. For tens of thousands of years this messaging system suited humanity well enough.
In ancient China, soldiers along the Great Wall sent smoke signals from beacon towers to warn one another of enemy invasion. Colors of smoke communicated the size of the invasion, and by placing beacon towers at regular intervals with a soldier in each tower, messages could be transmitted quickly over the entire 7,300 kilometer length of the wall.
Similarly, in ancient Sri Lanka, soldiers stationed on mountain peaks would alert each other of impending enemy attacks from English, Dutch and Portuguese colonialists by signaling from peak to peak with fire and smoke. In this way they were able to transmit messages to the Kingdom within a few short hours over tremendous distances what would otherwise take weeks by horseback.
And even to this day the College of Cardinals uses smoke signals to indicate the selection of a new Pope during a papal conclave. Eligible cardinals conduct a secret ballot until someone receives a vote of two-thirds plus one. The ballots are burned after each vote. Black smoke indicates a failed ballot, while white smoke indicates a new Pope has been selected that can be communicated immediately to anyone watching from the square. Moreover, colored smoke grenades are commonly used by present day military forces to pinpoint real-time positions, especially during calls for artillery or air support.
However beyond the bounds of mortal combat and religious ordination, to strive for greater abundance and prosperity, humanity needed a finer messaging system. A system with more fidelity and greater bandwidth, and we would find such a system in the electrified telegraph.
In 1774, Georges-Louis Le Sage realized an early electric telegraph. This telegraph had a separate wire for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet and its range was only between two rooms of his home. Soon what followed was the first working English telegraph built by Francis Ronalds in 1816 using static electricity. At the family home on Hammersmith Mall where he set up a complete subterranean system in a 175-yard (160 m) long trench as well as an eight-mile (13 km) long overhead telegraph. The lines were connected at both ends to revolving dials marked with the letters of the alphabet and electrical impulses sent along the wire were used to transmit messages.
By 1837 the American Morse teleprinter was developed, a machine that could print incoming telegraph messages using a system of marking indentations on paper tape.
Quickly industries took advantage of the new communications technology, including the banking industry. By 1843 the Rothschilds revolutionized banking with the use of telegraphy to communicate stock and currency prices through their banking empire across Europe.
The drive for a globally connected world hastened and by 1858, the first trans Atlantic cable communication occurred from Valentia Island off the west coast of Ireland to the Bay of Bulls, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. Shortly thereafter, in 1867, the Baudot code established standard length code for every character of the alphabet to distribute stock price information in real time, from London to New York. And by 1900 global networks of submarine and over land cables connected the entire world and thereby connecting the entire banking system with the new telegraphy innovation.
Powered by the telegraph, correspondent banking sprinted across every continent of the Earth by the early 20th century, and with it, the need to move gold quickly became obsolete so long as trusted third party bankers did not inflate the supply of the gold that they warehoused for customers — as telegraphed information about changes in customer accounts could be updated in bankers master ledgers sufficiently to account for the burgeoning global trade.
It is hard to understate the massive role that global telegraphic banking had on the boom in global trade, and the growth in global abundance during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
But, in spite of the new tech and global connectivity established, the party wouldn’t last long. The bankers did indeed inflate their customer deposits.
And through that monetary expansion, and the inevitable subsequent price inflation, multiple devastating wars would ignite over the next half century, including, World War I, and World War II.
And the price of the that monetary expansion by the bankers fueled by the new tech?
Hundreds of millions of people slaughtered, the purchasing power of the citizenries global gold reserves decimated, and a global shift from a gold based currency system to a dystopian paper and ledger based fiat currency system.
Humanity would find a way though.
These fiat missteps and failures would prove to be merely temporary, indeed ever so costly, but nevertheless, temporary losses as we would strive forward, building atop the new found global connectivity.
In the lead up to World War II modern computing was beginning to take shape. By 1938, the United States Navy had developed an electromechanical analog computer small enough to use aboard a submarine. The Torpedo Data Computer used trigonometry to solve the problem of firing torpedo’s at moving targets. During this second World War similar devices were developed in many other countries as well.
These early computers were electromechanical with electric switches driving mechanical relays to perform calculations. These devices had low operating speeds and were eventually superseded by much faster all-electric computers. The Z2, created by German engineer Konrad Zuse in 1939 in Berlin, was one of the earliest examples of an electromechanical relay computer. In 1941, Zuse followed his earlier machine up with the Z3, the world's first working electromechanical programmable, fully automatic digital computer. The Z3 was built with 2000 relays, implementing a 22 bit word length that operated at a clock frequency of about 5–10 Hz. Program code was supplied on punched film while data could be stored in 64 words of memory or supplied from the keyboard. It was quite similar to modern machines in some respects, pioneering numerous advances such as floating-point numbers.
These first gen computing machines had fixed programs. Changing its function required the re-wiring and re-structuring of the machine. With the proposal of the stored-program computer this changed. A stored-program computer includes by design an instruction set and can store in memory a set of instructions (a program) that details the computation. The theoretical basis for the stored-program computer was laid out by Alan Turing in his 1936 paper. In 1945, Turing joined the National Physical Laboratory and began work on developing an electronic stored-program digital computer. His 1945 report "Proposed Electronic Calculator" was the first specification for such a device. John von Neumann at the University of Pennsylvania also circulated his first draft of a report on the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) in 1945. Also a so called, stored-program computer.
The Manchester Baby was the world's first stored-program computer. It was built at the University of Manchester in England by Frederic C. Williams, Tom Kilburn and Geoff Tootill, and ran its first program on 21 June 1948. It was designed as a testbed for the Williams tube, the first random-access digital storage device. As soon as the Baby had demonstrated the feasibility of its design, a project began at the university to develop it into a practically useful computer, the Manchester Mark 1.
The Mark 1 in turn quickly became the prototype for the Ferranti Mark 1, the world's first commercially available general-purpose computer. Built by Ferranti, it was delivered to the University of Manchester in February 1951. At least seven of these later machines were built between 1953 and 1957.
Meanwhile, the concept of a field-effect transistor was proposed by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld in 1925. John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, while working under William Shockley at Bell Labs, built the first working transistor, the point-contact transistor, in 1947, which was followed by Shockley's bipolar junction transistor in 1948. From 1955 onwards, transistors replaced vacuum tubes in computer designs, giving rise to the "second generation" of computers.
Also at the University of Manchester, a team under the leadership of Tom Kilburn designed and built a machine using the newly developed transistors instead of valves. Their first transistorized computer and the first in the world, was operational by 1953, and a second version was completed there in April 1955. However, the machine did make use of valves to generate its 125 kHz clock waveforms and in the circuitry to read and write on its magnetic drum memory, so it was not the first completely transistorized computer. That distinction goes to the Harwell CADET of 1955, built by the electronics division of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell.
Subsequently the metal–oxide–silicon field-effect transistor (MOSFET), also known as the MOS transistor, was soon invented by Mohamed M. Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs in 1959. It was the first truly compact transistor that could be miniaturized and mass-produced for a wide range of uses. And at about the same time the first working Integrated Circuit (IC or microchip) was invented by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor. Kilby recorded his initial ideas concerning the integrated circuit in July 1958, successfully demonstrating the first working integrated example in 1958. Modern monolithic ICs are predominantly MOS (metal–oxide–semiconductor) integrated circuits, built from MOSFETs. The earliest experimental MOS IC to be fabricated was a 16-transistor chip built by Fred Heiman and Steven Hofstein at RCA in 1962.
Following the development of the self-aligned gate (silicon-gate) MOS transistor by Robert Kerwin, Donald Klein and John Sarace at Bell Labs in 1967, the first silicon-gate MOS IC with self-aligned gates was developed by Federico Faggin at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1968. The MOSFET has since become the most critical component in modern integrated circuits. The development of the MOS integrated circuit led to the invention of the microprocessor, and heralded an explosion in the commercial and personal use of computers. While the subject of exactly which device was the first microprocessor is contentious, partly due to lack of agreement on the exact definition of the term "microprocessor." It is largely undisputed that the first single-chip microprocessor was the Intel 4004, designed and realized by Federico Faggin with his silicon-gate MOS IC technology, along with Ted Hoff, Masatoshi Shima and Stanley Mazor at Intel. In the early 1970s, MOS IC technology enabled the integration of more than 10,000 transistors on a single chip. By 1976 the Apple Computer Company was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne, and in July of 1976 the Apple 1 made its debut, and the rest, as they say is history.
With powerful computational machines connected to cables strewn around the worlds ocean floors, and communications now able to travel at the speed of light, a protocol was needed to coordinate all of these communications across and through the two new modern marvels of human ingenuity, the personal computer and the electrified telegrapy cables.
In May 1974, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) published a paper entitled "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication". The paper's authors, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, described an internetworking protocol for sharing resources using packet switching among network nodes. A central control component of this model was the "Transmission Control Program" that incorporated both connection-oriented links and datagram services between hosts. The monolithic Transmission Control Program was later divided into a modular architecture consisting of the Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram Protocol at the transport layer and the Internet Protocol at the internet layer. The model became known as the Department of Defense (DoD) Internet Model and Internet protocol suite, and informally as what we now refer to as, TCP/IP.
And what could humanity send through this TCP/IP globally connected supercomputer network, besides cheap information?
What if this network could send a fixed set of information, and being fixed in size, this chunk of information could accrue value, it could metamorphosis into a modern monetary system with its own unique units, akin to gold, but riding through this electrified computer network transferred without a trusted third party, in peer to peer fashion!
Could such a thing even be possible?
Maybe, but only if we had some cool new one way math that was purpose built for this global computer network, and a decentralized server system, like the internet, to regulate it…
With communication channels established around the world, what was now needed was a way to securely communicate through the global network, and a way to create a fixed set of info. Two big challenges in the digital world.
Enter applied cryptography and reusable proof of work. Enter the cypherpunks.
Diffie–Hellman key exchange is a mathematical method of securely exchanging cryptographic keys over a public channel and was one of the first public-key protocols as conceived by Ralph Merkle and named after Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. DH is one of the earliest practical examples of public key exchange implemented within the field of cryptography. New Directions in Cryptography was published in 1976 by Diffie and Hellman, this is the earliest publicly known work that proposed the idea of a private key and a corresponding public key.
The historian David Kahn described public-key cryptography as "the most revolutionary new concept in the field since polyalphabetic substitution emerged in the Renaissance." Their formulation used a shared-secret-key created from exponentiation of some number, modulo a prime number. However, they left open the problem of realizing a one-way function, possibly because the difficulty of factoring was not well-studied at the time.
Not to worry, RSA was on the case.
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made several attempts over the course of a year to create a function that was hard to invert. Rivest and Shamir, as computer scientists, proposed many potential functions, while Adleman, as a mathematician, was responsible for finding their weaknesses. They tried many approaches, including "knapsack-based" and "permutation polynomials". For a time, they thought what they wanted to achieve was impossible due to contradictory requirements.
In April 1977, they spent Passover at the house of a student and drank a good deal of wine before returning to their homes at around midnight. Rivest, unable to sleep, lay on the couch with a math textbook and started thinking about their one-way function. He spent the rest of the night formalizing his idea, and he had much of the paper ready by daybreak. The algorithm is now known as RSA – the initials of their surnames in same order as their paper, A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems.
In their whitepaper, the team outlined their intent of the RSA cryptographic scheme:
The era of “electronic mail” may soon be upon us; we must ensure that two important properties of the current “paper mail” system are preserved:
(a) messages are private, and
(b) messages can be signed.We demonstrate in this paper how to build these capabilities into an electronic mail system. At the heart of our proposal is a new encryption method. This method provides an implementation of a “public-key cryptosystem,” an elegant concept invented by Diffie and Hellman. Their article motivated our research, since they presented the concept but not any practical implementation of such a system.
Shortly thereafter the RCA breakthrough, in 1982, the U.S government solicited proposals for a public key signature standard and in 1991 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) proposed the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for use in their Digital Signature Standard (DSS). Initially there was significant criticism, especially from software companies that had already invested efforts in developing digital signature software based on the RSA cryptosystem. Nevertheless, NIST adopted DSA as a Federal standard in 1994.
Meanwhile, with the governments growing critical involvement in cryptographic technologies for communications, in 1988 Timothy C. May published “The Crypto Manifesto” and it is worth sharing the manifesto here in full as much of it rings more true now than ever before:
A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.
Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re-routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.
The technology for this revolution--and it surely will be both a social and economic revolution--has existed in theory for the past decade. The methods are based upon public-key encryption, zero-knowledge interactive proof systems, and various software protocols for interaction, authentication, and verification. The focus has until now been on academic conferences in Europe and the U.S., conferences monitored closely by the National Security Agency. But only recently have computer networks and personal computers attained sufficient speed to make the ideas practically realizable. And the next ten years will bring enough additional speed to make the ideas economically feasible and essentially unstoppable. High-speed networks, ISDN, tamper-proof boxes, smart cards, satellites, Ku-band transmitters, multi-MIPS personal computers, and encryption chips now under development will be some of the enabling technologies.
The State will of course try to slow or halt the spread of this technology, citing national security concerns, use of the technology by drug dealers and tax evaders, and fears of societal disintegration. Many of these concerns will be valid; crypto anarchy will allow national secrets to be trade freely and will allow illicit and stolen materials to be traded. An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion. Various criminal and foreign elements will be active users of CryptoNet. But this will not halt the spread of crypto anarchy.
Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions. Combined with emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and all material which can be put into words and pictures. And just as a seemingly minor invention like barbed wire made possible the fencing-off of vast ranches and farms, thus altering forever the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will the seemingly minor discovery out of an arcane branch of mathematics come to be the wire clippers which dismantle the barbed wire around intellectual property.
Arise, you have nothing to lose but your barbed wire fences!
Timothy C. May
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA
Higher Power: 2^756839Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments.
PGP Public Key: by arrangement
Shortly after the manifesto was published the beginnings of Bitcoin were starting to take shape. One of the first “cryptocurrency” attempts was launched, with the 1989 introduction of David Chaum’s DigiCash. And in 1996 E-gold, founded by Douglas Jackson and Barry Downey was debuted. In a July 13, 1999 article in the Financial Times, described e-gold as "the only electronic currency that has achieved critical mass on the web".
In 1997 Adam Back published “hash cash postage implementation” to the cypherpunks emailer distribution group, and in the following year, in 1998 Wei Dai helped to spark fresh interest in cryptocurrencies with the publication of "b-money, an anonymous, distributed electronic cash system". In the paper, Dai outlines the basic properties of the modern day Bitcoin cryptocurrency system: "a scheme for a group of untraceable digital pseudonyms to pay each other with money and to enforce contracts amongst themselves without outside help". Wei’s intro to his “b-money” is insightful. Here it is:
I am fascinated by Tim May's crypto-anarchy. Unlike the communities traditionally associated with the word "anarchy", in a crypto-anarchy the government is not temporarily destroyed but permanently forbidden and permanently unnecessary. It's a community where the threat of violence is impotent because violence is impossible, and violence is impossible because its participants cannot be linked to their true names or physical locations.
Until now it's not clear, even theoretically, how such a community could operate. A community is defined by the cooperation of its participants, and efficient cooperation requires a medium of exchange (money) and a way to enforce contracts. Traditionally these services have been provided by the government or government sponsored institutions and only to legal entities. In this article I describe a protocol by which these services can be provided to and by untraceable entities.
I will actually describe two protocols. The first one is impractical, because it makes heavy use of a synchronous and unjammable anonymous broadcast channel. However it will motivate the second, more practical protocol. In both cases I will assume the existence of an untraceable network, where senders and receivers are identified only by digital pseudonyms (i.e. public keys) and every messages is signed by its sender and encrypted to its receiver.
In the first protocol, every participant maintains a (seperate) database of how much money belongs to each pseudonym. These accounts collectively define the ownership of money, and how these accounts are updated is the subject of this protocol.
Also in 1998 Nick Szabo published “Secure Property Titles with Owner Authority” and here is a brief excerpt from this great article:
To implement a property club, we set up a replicated database so that the club members, hereafter "servers", can securely maintain titles of ownership, and securely transfer them upon the request of current owners… The purpose of the replicated database is simply to securely agree on who owns what. The entire database is public.
The ideal title database would have the following properties:
Current owner Alice should be able transfer her title to only a single relying counterparty (similar to the "double spending" problem in digital cash),
Servers should not be able to forge transfers, and
Servers should not be able to block transfers to or from politically incorrect parties.
Meanwhile, on the cryptographic front, the use of elliptic curves in cryptography was suggested independently by Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller in 1985. And in 1999, NIST recommended fifteen elliptic curves including a specification for the 256 curve that Bitcoin would eventually utilize.
And then in 2001, Bram Cohen implements the BitTorrent protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P), which enables users to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet in a decentralized manner. This would prove to be instrumental in cementing Bitcoin’s decentralized nature.
In 2004 Hal Finney publishes “RPOW - Reusable Proofs of Work” where he explains:
The RPOW system provides for proof of work (POW) tokens to be reused. A POW token is something that takes a relatively long time to compute but which can be checked quickly. RPOW uses hashcash, which are values whose SHA-1 hashes have many high bits of zeros.
Normally POW tokens can't be reused because that would allow them to be double-spent. But RPOW allows for a limited form of reuse: sequential reuse. This lets a POW token be used once, then exchanged for a new one, which can again be used once, then once more exchanged, etc. This approach makes POW tokens more practical for many purposes and allows the effective cost of a POW token to be raised while still allowing systems to use them effectively.
This is useful functionality, but the unique feature of the RPOW system is its approach to security. RPOW is the first public implementation of a server designed to allow users throughout the world to verify its correctness and integrity in real time.
Then in 2005 Nick Szabo introduces “Bit Gold” explaining it in the following way:
A long time ago I hit upon the idea of bit gold. The problem, in a nutshell, is that our money currently depends on trust in a third party for its value. As many inflationary and hyperinflationary episodes during the 20th century demonstrated, this is not an ideal state of affairs. Similarly, private bank note issue, while it had various advantages as well as disadvantages, similarly depended on a trusted third party.
Precious metals and collectibles have an unforgeable scarcity due to the costliness of their creation. This once provided money the value of which was largely independent of any trusted third party. Precious metals have problems, however. It's too costly to assay metals repeatedly for common transactions. Thus a trusted third party (usually associated with a tax collector who accepted the coins as payment) was invoked to stamp a standard amount of the metal into a coin. Transporting large values of metal can be a rather insecure affair, as the British found when transporting gold across a U-boat infested Atlantic to Canada during World War I to support their gold standard. What's worse, you can't pay online with metal.
Thus, it would be very nice if there were a protocol whereby unforgeably costly bits could be created online with minimal dependence on trusted third parties, and then securely stored, transferred, and assayed with similar minimal trust. Bit gold.
My proposal for bit gold is based on computing a string of bits from a string of challenge bits, using functions called variously "client puzzle function," "proof of work function," or "secure benchmark function." The resulting string of bits is the proof of work. Where a one-way function is prohibitively difficult to compute backwards, a secure benchmark function ideally comes with a specific cost, measured in compute cycles, to compute backwards.
Also in 2005, at the RSA Conference 2005, the National Security Agency (NSA) announced Suite B, which exclusively uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for digital signature generation and key exchange. The suite was/is intended to protect both classified and unclassified national security systems and information. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) endorsed elliptic curve cryptography in its Suite B set of recommended algorithms, specifically elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) for key exchange and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for digital signature. It is this ECDSA standard that Bitcoin started with.
In fact shortly after the 2005 conference, amidst the global financial crisis, in October 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published “Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper” in the cryptography email network where he explained:
I've been working on a new electronic cash system that's fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.
The paper is available at: main properties:
Double-spending is prevented with a peer-to-peer network.
No mint or other trusted parties.
Participants can be anonymous.
New coins are made from Hashcash style proof-of-work.
The proof-of-work for new coin generation also powers the network to prevent double-spending.Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without the burdens of going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as honest nodes control the most CPU power on the network, they can generate the longest chain and outpace any attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcasted on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.
Full paper at: Nakamoto
What newcomers to Bitcoin, and to the “crypto” market in general, fail to understand when they initially consider the idea of Bitcoin, is the multi century process of human ingenuity and discovery that has led all of humanity to Bitcoin.
Beginning with connecting the world through global telegraphy networks, and then connecting those networks to powerful computers with an internet protocol, the world took the next logical step to do away with physical gold money and to introduce digital gold money founded in the incredible properties of cryptographic math developed over the last 30 years. The path to Bitcoin has been one of thousands of exceptionally gifted people, around the world striving for a better future with self custodial peer to peer money.
Bitcoin is the culmination of human innovation. It is humanities grand crowning gem in our collective efforts that we have unknowingly been working towards for over the past 250 years, and which countless people from around the world are laser focused on seeing it through to become the global currency for all 8 billion people of Earth.
The final successful implementation of a fixed supply, decentralized, global, peer to peer digital monetary protocol is equaled by nothing other than those magnificent moments in our history where we learned to harness fire, and master speech, to lift ourselves out of poverty, out of the merciless forces of nature, and carve our own path forward through the stars and towards the heavens. We are now at the dawn of a great global 10,000 year human renaissance, fueled by perfected money, by Bitcoin.
It is understandable why so many copy cats in the “alt coin” universe have attracted so much capital. The idea of Bitcoin is so massively monumental, that it casts such a tremendous shadow, it is easy to miss it because of its enormity. However, given the new public entrants to Bitcoin with Blackrock, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the personalities behind them, like Larry Fink, Gary Gensler, and their ilk, the world is waking up to the realization that “alt coins” are not in a unique universe, they are simply playing in the shadow of the colossal tidal wave ready to break, of the almost inconceivably all encompassing tsunami that is Bitcoin.
The Bitcoin Tsunami is indeed here, folks, and it is going to change everything, for everyone, forever.
And we all have a front row seat. What a time to be alive!