Since the lockdowns of March 2020, a lot of us have had time to look around and ask ourselves, what is going on, like, what in the hell is really going on.
And by now, after two and a half years of unprecedented gas lighting, more and more of us are finally waking up for the first time, and most of us with a modicum of brain cells think the world can be broken up into the following two camps, more or less.
Problem: Rising prices
Cause: Monetary inflation
Solution: Monetary deflation
Problem: Rising prices
Cause(s): Global warming, global cooling, climate change, republicans, democrats, emerging markets, dictatorships, totalitarians, greedy corporations, greedy capitalists, greedy bankers, eco-terrorists, political terrorists, foreign terrorists, domestic terrorists, extremists, market manipulation, carbon dioxide, oil, natural gas, volcanoes, space weather, solar flares, supply chains, pandemics, Putin, retirees, demographics, quantitative tightening, quantitative easing, austerity measures, illiquid credit markets, monetary hoarding, inelastic monetary policies, gangs, drugs, pedophiles, criminal organizations, over population, cow farts, artificial intelligence, atheists, Christians, Muslims, Jews, aliens from space, illegal aliens from another country, Trump, Biden, Epstein, Bitcoin, gold, cryptocurrencies, et cetera, ad infinitum
Solution: Monetary inflation
Although everyone in the world appears to rather easily agree on the problem. It is somewhat remarkable that one group of people, the so called "experts" seemingly go out of their way to provide every possible cause under the sun, including the sun, as the cause of the problem, with the one miraculous exception that they don't consider monetary inflation as a possible cause.
And it is also rather interesting, and perhaps telling, that the experts characterize those that offer monetary inflation as the cause, to be some sort of dimwitted conspiracy theorists. Perhaps monetary inflation is not a cause of the problem for the experts. Perhaps the experts have already decided that the solution should be monetary inflation, regardless of the cause of the problem.
In other words, it is almost as if the solution that the experts offer, is in fact the solution to some other problem. It’s almost as if they don’t care about the rising prices, but they simply pretend to care, and so they offer other causes, knowing full well that regardless of what you might believe as the cause, they fully intend to do one thing, and one thing only, arrive at monetary inflation as the solution, and inflate away.
If you look at the aggregate income of the upper-class compared to the middle and lower classes, their living standards have been improving for decades, while everyone else is getting relatively poorer . Maybe the experts are happy with the "problem" of rising prices.
In fact maybe, just maybe, we are being lied to on an epic scale. What if we’ve been fooled this whole time. And by whole time, I mean, since the beginning of human civilization. What if those governing do not really have our best interests at heart?
Recently the Queen of England passed away. She has left a personal inheritance of over $500 million that will be passed on to the new, King Charles III. The King is exempted from paying inheritance tax.
Is it surprising that one of the most powerful families in all of the world is not required to “pay their fair share” of tax? Maybe that should be a pretty good indicator that something is going on in the background, that the wealthy are part of a big club, and you ain’t in it.

And by the way, why should anyone pay tax on inheritance? If you have a large fortune, you have to pay a 40% tax on it so your children only receive 60% of it. And the English royal family gets to avoid this tax? If anything wouldn’t they want to contribute the most to the society that they are purportedly in favor of and rule over?
But that’s not the only inconsistency we see from the wealthy.
You’ve probably recently heard that governments are working hard to fight climate change with wind farms and solar panels. So obviously we would expect to see politicians championing this drive to green energy by installing wind farms and solar panels at their residences. But that isn’t the case, is it. The top picture is not the Obama’s new holiday mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, the bottom one is. The one without the solar panels.
And why would they buy a house on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean if sea levels are going to rise? Or maybe they don’t believe what they are saying. And maybe they don’t like paying taxes either. Maybe they think their rules and their narratives shouldn’t apply to them.
Those that rule over us don’t seem to be concerned with rising prices, paying taxes or climate change. Are they lying to us?
Do your own research. Look at the source of the “hockey stick” carbon dioxide fear porn from the IPCC reports that is the baseline story for all of the scary climate change narrative they keep pushing harder and harder.
And if that is not enough for reasonable doubt, after you listen to Whitney Webb provide some remarkable facts about how US and global politics work, you might indeed have a new perspective. Pretty wild what is actually going on behind the scenes.
I think we can paint another perspective of the world we live in, and perhaps it’s time to change our world, for the better. If in fact the world is to some extent ruled by various organized criminal families, running the governments and monetary systems of the world behind the scenes, and they are purposefully inflating the money away to maintain their control over you and finance their operations, then we still have the same solution to our problem, and we can also better define our problem. Maybe a more accurate depiction of the world looks something like the following.
Problem: Moral uprisings
Cause: Losing control
Solution: Monetary inflation
Problem: Immoral overlords
Cause: Monetary inflation
Solution: Monetary deflation
Regardless of what the perceived problems of the world might be, there certainly might be a need to look into this monetary inflation thing.
Many of you are familiar with the website WTF Happened In 1971. For those of you still living under a rock, let’s take a brief tour of the website.
Here is a snapshot of the first chart from the website. As you can clearly see, the productivity of society has increased at a rate faster than wages have increased, beginning around 1971. In other words, because of the efficiency gains from technological innovations, we can produce more stuff at lower costs.
So, let’s use those beautiful brains of ours ladies and gentlemen. If we can produce more at lower cost, should the stuff cost more or less to buy? In other words, if I can produce a loaf of bread with half the cost, should you be able to buy that bread at half price? Well the answer of course is yes. And if I don’t reduce my prices, then someone else will step into the free market, use the same new technology and undercut my prices.
Another way of saying this is that technology is deflationary. Prices of things generally go down over time. As we get better at producing and manufacturing things, the costs, and therefore the price to buy those things, goes down over time. So why then is a loaf of bread more expensive? Why is everything more expensive!
If we are getting better and faster at producing things, why are the prices of everything going up? The answer is simple. There’s more money. The fancy term that they don’t want you peasants to understand is monetary inflation.
The short answer is that there is more money printed every year that is pushing prices higher. There is more people with more money competing to buy the same amount of lower cost goods, so the increased money supply pushes the prices of everything up. This is called monetary inflation. And your friendly governments won’t teach you this because it’s how they fund their criminal operations to line their pockets and maintain control over you.
The global monetary system is “debt based” meaning it is not backed by gold, like it was prior to 1971. The amount of debt in the world - and US government debt is a good approximation - is relatively equal to the amount of money in the world. In other words, as individuals, businesses, and particularly governments, increase their outstanding debts, the money supply increases in lock step. And good golly has the money supply been increasing. Particularly so beginning in 1971, when the United States suspended the redemption of US dollars for gold.
Effectively what happened in 1971 was the US decided to stop giving back to foreign nations, the gold that those nations had stored with the US in places like the New York Federal Reserve and Fort Knox in Kentucky. Our friendly organized criminal governments stole the gold, lol.
Here is the video of President Nixon explaining the suspension of gold redemption. He makes up some silly nonsense about the dollar being strong and some other ridiculousness. The simple reality is that by breaking the link to gold, the government could print more money, faster, and essentially fund their criminal operations world wide to become the super power that they became.
If you listened to the video he said that the effect of the action would be to stabilize the dollar. Well, if he meant you would steadily get more poor, he was right. Here is a chart of the purchasing power of the US dollar since 1971.
Our governments tell us prices are rising for other reasons, like pandemics, supply chain issues, foreign governments, wars, climate change, the last president was bad, etc., but we can see with our own two eyes, the prices of things ten, twenty, thirty, and forty years ago are much lower, and you can hide the blame on other things and distract everyone some of the time, but eventually people are going to wake up to the game. The fundamental reason for the constant grind up year over year is money printing. That’s it.
Every time your friendly government is “bailing out” a too big to fail company, or is “raising the debt ceiling”, or is passing a new congressional emergency spending bill to “help the economy” what they are actually doing is creating more debt based money out of nothing, and this increased supply of money is pushing the price of your gas, and your bread, and your rent, and your phone bill, and your kids tuition, higher and higher and higher every year.
You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. Lol.
The time required to save for a home has dramatically increased every year since the United States removed the gold backing of the dollar in 1971. This allowed the US to print more money at a faster rate. The result is you having to work longer to buy a home. Everything gets more expensive when the government prints money.
Now, here is where you need to pay attention. If your wages are increasing at the same rate as the goods you pay for, then there is no problem. You still have the same “purchasing power” to buy the increased priced goods with your increased wages. But that is not what happens. Instead, your 4% pay raise is less than the 10% grocery bill increase, so you actually received a 6% pay cut for the year! That’s the problem. That’s a huge problem.
That’s why you feel like you can’t get ahead. That’s why you and your spouse need to work to make ends meet. Didn’t use to be that way. The money printing forces everyone to work, stuck on a hamster wheel.
So how can you keep up with the increase in monetary inflation? Well, if you are already wealthy, you don’t have a problem at all. In fact, monetary inflation is great for the wealthy. All of the assets they own are appreciating in value. If you own businesses or hotels or energy companies, or any of the means of production, you are doing better than ever!
But if you are like most of the world, you need to find an asset that the government can not make more of, and cannot steal from you. Something that is outside of their system. You need to find something that is fundamentally opposed to monetary inflation.
Fortunately for you, there’s a bullet proof solution!
When the US president is a Republican, for example when Trump was in office, we heard republicans call bitcoiners democrats. These republicans cry foul that bitcoiners are trying to turn the money printing privilege's that are currently afforded to government licensed banks, into some sort of communistic collectivism that nobody controls. And those republicans are correct. Bitcoin is sort of a collective that nobody controls, because it’s outside the systems of the government.
And then when the US president is a Democrat, for example now with Biden in office, we hear the democrats call bitcoiners republicans. These democrats cry foul that bitcoiners are trying to turn the money printing privilege's that are currently afforded to government licensed banks, into some sort of sovereignistic individualism that everyone controls. And those democrats are also correct. Bitcoin is sort of a individualism that everyone controls, because it’s decentralized and every user has equal control.
Fundamentally, Bitcoin is both entirely apolitical and entirely political. It generally has no preference for republican or democratic pursuits. And at the same time, Bitcoin is fiercely interested in republican and democratic pursuits, but only in one particular industry, the monetary industry.
What Bitcoin is in the process of achieving is the separation of money and state. And what this does is it puts a cap on the monetary inflation of the immoral class.
With Bitcoin, anyone in the world can send monetary value to anyone else in the world without the permission of their governments.
With Bitcoin, anyone in the world can receive value from anyone else in the world, without the censorship of their governments.
With Bitcoin, anyone in the world can store monetary value for any period of time they choose because their governments have no ability to confiscate that value through monetary inflation.
The permission-less-ness to send, the un-censorable-ness to receive, and the un-confiscatable-ness to store monetary value is a certainty of monetary freedom that Bitcoin enables for everyone on the planet, whether you are King Charles III, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or the ordinary peasant trying to escape monetary inflation.
It is no wonder then that dyed red republicans will demonize bitcoiners as democrats and that dyed blue democrats will demonize bitcoiners as republicans. It is also no wonder that communistic totalitarians like the Chinese government are banning Bitcoin. The criminals that are pushing these lies about Bitcoin are scared, and for good reason.
The success of Bitcoin is the certain downsizing (and perhaps downfall) of all modern day forms of organized criminal governance worldwide, from those most freedom forward to those most immoral ones and tyrannical dystopias.
And that’s a good thing. What the world truly needs now, more than ever, is protection from the hidden theft of monetary inflation.
holy shit, so much sauce in here. Great job!