Given we are near the bottom of a bear market, your friends and family probably see you as an idiot. It's foolish, but your FIAT peers’ perception about you changes based on price. I guess we’ll have to wait for the next cycle to look like geniuses.
There’s a silver lining to this price drop. Not only are you stacking cheap sats, you have the opportunity to come back looking like an elite human-being. Yes, it’s time to get in shape. In my opinion, diet and workout regimen are mutual to being a Bitcoiner.
Move your Body
I don’t want to make this post about being overweight, but in the eyes of many, the opinion of an overweight person ironically holds less weight (hehe). A rich person in poor health is lacking one of the most important factors of being human. They haven’t achieved one of the difficult yet most rewarding parts of living.
We get these incredible bodies that can be pushed to certain boundaries and people decide to just let them sit there. Sitting at a desk or couch for 8+ hours a day is shitcoiner behavior. Having an in shape body is proof of work and an effective marketing campaign for your lifestyle choices. It's never been easier to stand out from the pack of seed oil infested fatasses.
When price pumps again, make sure to give everyone a big middle-finger. Tell them, “not only am I right, I am healthy”. It’ll be sweeter if all your Bitcoiner friends look the part too. Others will have no choice but to notice our life choices. The message of sound money will find an easier path getting to the masses.
Verify the Inputs
Bitcoiners are curious learners looking for truth and high-quality. There should be extra care about the inputs feeding our minds and bodies.
People like Texas Slim are crossing over nutrition and decentralization with the Beef Initiative. Based on his message, Beef is the ultimate source of nutrition being attacked by centralized FIAT Food producers. They are selling manipulated garbage with the goal of being cheap and profitable. Slim says get to know your local rancher. They are the ones doing the low-time-preference farming practices, feeding cattle the proper inputs.
Keep the nutrition sources out of the hands of FIATers. Diet and fasting is unique to the individual. Seek the best methods and sources. Seek the truth. Don’t be like normies taking the easy way out. Pop a pill and it’ll all be gone. NAH! Not us Bitcoiners.
Set an example.
It is important we seek the right choices. Choices driven off love and prosperity. Choices advancing the human race. Let Bitcoiners be the beacon of knowledge and truth.
Others will gravitate towards our optimism and follow. Refuse the 9-5 FIAT slave job, disrespect their seed oils, and exchange in the hardest money known to man.
Us Vs Them
We are low-time preference, willing to put in the work.
They are short term thinkers looking for instant gratification.
We pursue our passions while maximizing our creative abilities.
They work 9-5 desk jobs looking for a “way out” once they hit 70 years old.
We seek high quality nutritious food sources.
They feed themselves with industrial seed oil sludge.
We push our bodies to stay in shape.
They sit on their couch all day.
We rely on our lineage of strong immune systems.
They go for the pharmaceutical quickie that does more damage than good.
We take responsibility.
They play the victim.
We seek truth.
They trust authority.
We like to create.
They like to take.
We are optimistic.
They are nihilistic.
Stacking sats, packing reps.