Getting Down to Brass Tacks
In the end, everyone dies. So while we have life, let us control it ourselves.
The following article was inspired by Matthew Kratter’s Bitcoin University latest work entitled How To Deprogram Yourself. If you have the time, his short 8 minute video is worth a watch.
Here it is. Enjoy!
Suppose you were teleported to the ancient past standing at the base of a ritual killing pyramid.
Citizens of the seasons killings were filling in to your left and right. The priest makes his way to the top of the altar where his next victim lay stretched out, the child’s parents standing next to you, praying to their god for rain, praying that it is a good sacrifice, and honored by their god.
Knowing what you know, that the heavens do not pour down rain because of the murder of innocent children, do you have a moral obligation to convince all of the people that what they are participating in is nothing more than murder?
Do you have an obligation to stop the priest from murdering innocent life?
Are you complicit in the murder if you allow it to continue on?
Do you not feel compelled to convince everyone of the insanity of these ritual killings?
Imagine you were born into slave ownership, perhaps one of the good owners, like Thomas Jefferson.
And suppose you looked around and said that you didn’t think it made sense that your fate was to be owned by another man, owned by a President of a new bold country called the United States of America, but owned nonetheless.
And imagine your grandfather was born in another continent, Africa, where the president of your grandfathers homeland, his tribal leader, sold your grandfather to the merchants just as property as well, which ultimately brought you to the new world.
Imagine a world where leaders of groups of men considered themselves to be owners of other men.
Imagine that, being owned by another man.
Imagine being a slave.
Impossible to imagine.
Good thing men changed their nature.
Good thing laws changed.
Good thing men don’t think like that anymore.
(hahaha …nervous laughter continues… hahahaha)
I mean, think about the terrible world that was. As a slave.
Think about all the things we have today as free men, that those slaves never had the chance to experience like home mortgage debts and student loan debts. Healthcare insurance to pay. Social security tax to pay. Income tax to pay. Sales tax to pay.
Think of all the modern pleasures those slaves are missing out on. Grocery bills to pay. Electric bills to pay. Heating bills to pay. Water bills to pay. Property tax to pay. Car registration to pay. Car license renewal fees to pay. Parking and speeding and toll tickets to pay.
Think of all the modern conveniences those slaves missed out on like airport strip searches. Fluoride to poison you. Hyper manufactured mandated poison to inject into you. Hyper manufactured industrial waste to eat. Prescription drugs to get addicted to. And cloud seeding to poison the air you breathe.
The modern amenities of us free men really set us apart from the slaves, like our blue screen social media death scrolling to play with. Public school propagandized children to hate us for creating them. Fake elections to pretend we are doing our part in steering our country in the right direction. Internet traffic and cell phone data monitored and tracked and tagged. Onboard car tracking data to monitor us.
Imagine living back in those slave days, owned by the president of the United States, and having none of the modern luxuries that all of us free men are able to take part in.
Imagine yourself, living today, a free man.
Today. You. A free man. Where you are required to register your chickens and your cows. Where you are allowed to sell things, so long as you have a “license and registration” because of “reasons” because you are a “free man” in the “land of the free” a land where former slaves had far fewer privileges than you. Privileges like being forced to use a money that steals from you.
Imagine being a slave. Impossible to fathom. But not really.
Since nothing has materially changed. The ritual killings continue…
What is difficult to conceptualize for everyone is the reality that whether you were an outright child sacrifice in 1800 BC, a slave in 1800 AC, or a wage slave in the year 2000, there really isn’t much difference.
You either have control over your life or someone else does.
When our governments tell us human sacrifice and slavery are outlawed, we assume that somehow life is all of the sudden so much better, so much different, that the minds of men that were in charge before when murder and slavery was legal, are now somehow changed with murder and slavery outlawed.
When alcohol became illegal in the United States in the 1900’s, it only pushed the popularity of it higher. When gold became illegal in the United States in the 1900’s, the price increased, and it became an even more important asset to own. When China banned bitcoin in the 2000’s the hash rate of bitcoin mining soon doubled shortly thereafter, making bitcoin even more engrained into society.
Just because a group of men pass a law to appease the public, men will not stop doing what they want to do. If men have a mind to enslave and ritualistically sacrifice people, for the sake of cheap labor, men will find a way to create a Federal Reserve Banking System, engineer a panic, call it a Great Depression, blame the problem on the actual problem of the criminals (individual gold ownership), and then proceed to deploy the tentacles of their newly created Federal Reserve Banking System into the bank accounts of every person on the planet, turning them all back into slaves, turning their life’s efforts back into ritualistic sacrifice, only this time, without them being the wiser, through the subtle dynamics of purchase power reallocation vis a vis money printing.
You can’t change human nature with laws, but you can change human incentives and capabilities with technology.
If you want to stop the church from pushing social tyranny upon you, it is not possible through argument or law. You need to build a new technology, like a telescope that anyone can use without permission and verify for themselves that the Earth, and therefore the church, is not the center of the universe.
If you want to escape financial tyranny, you can’t do it through a bloody revolt, that simply replaces the old psychopathic boss with a new one. Instead you need to build a new technology, like a clock, that will allow you permissionless access to navigate the seas for a new land offering the start of a new way of life.
If your monetary system, and therefore your entire culture is unabashedly stealing from you, if every aspect of your culture is in the process of eating itself alive, it is not feasible to convince this population that what they are doing is mass suicidal cannibalism on the grandest of global scales. The only thing you can do is build some new technology that allows people with the courage to escape, to funnel their life’s work into the digital expanse of cyberspace, where they can secure their work within the vaulted halls of the Bitcoin cybercity, where it will live on, unmolested by the cannibals, unharmed by all would be slave masters, for all of time.
We may not be able to stop the ritual killings, and we may not be able to stop slavery, but we sure as hell can utilize our telescopes, and our clocks, and our Bitcoin, to chart a path forward, into the bright orange future we are all tirelessly working to build, with our hearts, our minds, and our bodies, in a word, with our new found cult, a cult of individual sanctity and collaborative consensus.
A culture of sovereign individuals, tending to their gardens.
What a time to be alive, amigos.