Don't Be Scared, You're Gonna Die
In 1979 the fear machine told us we would soon freeze to death. The well known actor Leonard Nimoy, famous for his truth telling role as the Star Trek character Spock, explained that the next ice age was well on it's way and strongly suggested that everyone in the world might freeze to death by the next winter. Some forty years later, void of any ice age, we now have unqualified children like Greta Thunberg guiding public policy and declaring more global climate change emergencies. LMFAO.
By the way, here is Leonard Nimoy on the 1979 impending Ice Age. You can't make this shit up.
If it’s not an impending global warming or ice age emergency, its an impending war.
In 1982 the US government declared a war on drugs. Some forty years later, in epic proportions they completely lost! Marijuana is now more or less completely legal in nearly every US state, and is prescribed as an exceptional pain reliever and epileptic cure. Colorado recently legalized psychedelic mushrooms, and these “drugs” have also demonstrated great promise in a whole host of neurological and mental health healing and strengthening practices. In the country of Portugal, a decriminalized approach to illicit drugs has garnered worldwide attention with death rates down, drug use down, and overall health improved compared with other European Union countries.
But wait, there’s more! If it’s not a climate collapse, or a drug war, it’s technological Armageddon! Run for your lives! Lol.
In 1998 they told us the computers were going to stop working because of something called a Y2K bug. Apparently none of the computers had the digits '2' and '0' programmed into them. Apparently when we flipped from 1999 to 2000, the computers were supposedly going to all think the year was 1900, and they would all stop working, and kill everyone in the process. Remember? Lol :-)
Here’s our old friend Leonard telling us the computers are going to kill us all! LOLZZZ!
Of course, the Y2K nonsense was just another nothing burger. Instead of a computer crash there was a monster stock market rally in the tech sector that culminated, not in a crash of all computer systems, but a market crash with the dot com bubble bursting in 2000. Apparently the fear mongers were 100% wrong, once again!
Narrator: Hysterically laughing.
The next nonsense crash?
The trade towers crashed in 2001, apparently the US government had been attacked on its home land by some terrorists. Were the terrorists created by the US government? Some people think so and there is compelling evidence that suggests this was an inside job. From climate crises, to drug crisis, to technology crisis…to terror crisis!
The new war on terror quickly kicked off with all sorts of crazy shit like a new requirement to get undressed at the airport. Nevermind this in no way could or would stop a terrorist pilot from crashing into a building, if that is actually what happened. Lol. The terror war apparently ended some twenty years later, in glorious victory.
Nah just kidding. It ended in predictable big league failure, with the US pulling out of Afghanistan, spending trillions of dollars, leaving thousands of people killed.
And for what? What was the outcome? We created more “terrorists” [read “innocent angry foreign people avenging their family members killed in US drone strikes for the past twenty years under both democrat and republican presidents alike”]! Oh and we also took control of Iraqi oil in the process, because of the terrorists, obviously.
Let us not forget the chaos of the housing market collapse in 2007 resulting in a global financial crisis. Fortunately the regulators had our best interest in mind with zero credit check, no income no job requirement financing to fuel the speculation! At least all of the bankers went bankrupt that peddled the fraudulent credit.
Nah just kidding. They all got big bonuses after you bailed them out with your tax dollars. Remember!? LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
Oh, and the repo market crashed in 2019. But you didn’t hear about that…because…
The economy crashed in 2020 with the Chinese government getting attacked on its home land by some scary bugs. Were the bugs created in a Chinese lab? Some people think so, and there is compelling evidence that suggests this was also an inside job. A new war on bugs was kicked off. Will this one end some twenty years later too? Will this too be another silly nonsensical waste of taxpayer blood and money? Or has everyone spent enough blood and money and are finally seeing through the lies by now. Do the scammers need to shift to some other fake war?
Here’s comedian Dave Smith suggesting the latest bug war is over. Thank goodness!
So what’s next on the agenda for the galaxy brains peddling their fear porn?
Drug crisis?
Climate crisis?
Terrorist crisis?
Financial crisis?
Technology Crisis?
Maybe they are getting ready to kick off a new climate war. It's really the gift that keeps on giving. It’s the perfect war. Way better than drugs, terrorists, computer bugs, or real bugs. With a climate war, our well intended midwit politicians can declare a climate emergency when they shut down our coal plants and people freeze to death.
They can blame it on global cooling, caused by global warming. LOL. And in the summer time, when the wind stops blowing and people die of heat stroke because there is no windmill movement to generate electricity to power the air conditioning, they can blame it on global warming. It's perfect.
And they will all have good reasons to raise your energy bills after they get you emotionally revved up so you are not thinking straight after getting fed a bucket of evening news misinformation.
Folks. Are you paying any attention yet?.
If you just take a moment and look back on the insanity of the past forty years, what do you see?
I'll tell you what I see. I see fear campaign after fear campaign about reasons why you need to be scared. Why you are going to get killed, or why life as you know it is going to end. I see lots of reasons why you need to pay close attention to what your friendly government overlords are protecting you from so you don't end up a victim to the latest madness.
You got to stop listening to these people. Do you really think any of this nonsense has done you any good? It’s time to opt out of their poison punch bowl. Yeah, we’re all gonna die one way or another, but rather than listening to them tell you how it’s gonna happen every couple years, just turn off their propaganda, and turn on your brain.
Opt into a new system. It’s ready, and it’s amazing.
Look, I’m going to level with you. Here’s all you need to know about the world. Governments are mafia’s and if you are a citizen of one, then you are working for that mafia. Regardless of the country, whether you are a citizen of China, the US, Great Brittan, Russia, Brazil, Nigeria, or any of the other 200 or so countries, as a tax paying, and fiat currency earning citizen, you’re labor and spending is supporting their existence.
Of course there’s not necessarily anything wrong with being a member of your local mafia. The problem is, you don’t realize that’s the setup, first of all, and more importantly, second of all, you don’t realize their power is derived entirely from you, and that therefore, if you want some of your own power back, all you need to do is reach out and take it.
Career politicians are bought and paid for. They are all exceedingly wealthy families with deep ties that make up the 0.1% of the wealth of the world, and they all earn salaries that don’t in any way add up to their wealth. It’s a deep hypocrisy.
Great lengths are taken to maintain the veil over the sausage plants. On occasion, some unsavory information about the ugly realities make headlines only to be forgotten after an untimely suicide from a gun shot to the back of the head or some other such madness.
Warning: Graphic content. A meeting with the US Senator and Mr. Corleone. It’s much closer to reality than you want to admit. You and I both know it.
The tragic truth is that the incentive structure is malignant. There is a debt based system that demands more debts. Without more debts the system collapses. An insatiable churn of new money created out of new bank loans, government debts, corporate bonds, home mortgages, credit card lines, any other fashion of debt is driven forward higher and higher, at any and all costs. Without more debt, the system collapses. The US national debt will never be paid off. It only goes higher and higher every second, by design!
If you are serious about taking some power back, or if you are serious about reducing the government debt, or over consumption, or over population, or if you think there is in fact a climate crises, or if you are actually concerned with killer bugs or dangerous terrorists, maybe, just maybe, the solution is not printing more money and throwing it at pointless solutions or missing the actual problem. Maybe the real issue is the incessant debt machine. Isn’t it strange that there is never a debate about money printing, or about where the money comes from, or who pays for it.
How are the latest rounds of vaccines free? Where did the billions of dollars come from that was sent to Ukraine to keep that war going?
We can take our power back and direct our efforts in the way we want, by taking our money back. That is the critical vote that matters. Vote with your money. How you spend it, and where you store it.
Don’t worry, it’s easy to do. It’s like riding a bike. You might fall and get a bruise or two in the process, but once you figure it out, you can get to where you want to be a lot faster than walking. I’m sure you were scared when you learned how to ride a bike. And it’s okay to be scared, a little bit. But don’t let it drive your every decision.
You learned how to use a computer. You learned how to use a cell phone. You learned how to download a phone app. Sure, things can go wrong. But with a little care, a little patience, and with some friends in your corner who have got your back, you’ll do just fine. So let’s put the fear porn away, and take some of our power back. Don’t be scared, we’re all gonna die. In the meantime, let’s live a little. What do you say!
Money is used for three specific purposes, it has three “utilities” including, the ability to:
In order to achieve each of these three utilities, the money we use must have the following characteristics, including:
If money is heavy or physical, like gold, it is difficult to move around, it has very little portability for travel through space. If money is light or nonphysical, like bitcoin, it is easy to move around, at light speed, it has very high portability for travel through space.
If money is delicate or fragile like a dollar bill, or if it is easy to print by a bank, it is difficult to keep for long periods of time, either through wear and tear or devaluation, it has very little durability or scarcity for time travel. If money is digital and limited in supply, like bitcoin, it will last forever, it has very high durability and scarcity for travel through time.
If money is centralized, like a cryptocurrency, the central authority decides its divisibility, whether it is fungible, and who gets to verify its authenticity, it has very little divisibility, fungibility or verifiability for economic measurement and calculation. If money is decentralized like bitcoin, its divisibility, fungibility, and verifiability is enforced by each user and therefore these characteristics are very high for bitcoin.
Bitcoin is so amazing because it takes the best characteristics of gold, private banking, central banking, and government currencies, adds in a dash of self sovereignty, and the result is the next global reserve currency for every man woman and child on the planet for the next 5,000 years.
In the same way light bulbs replaced candle light, cars replaced horsepower, and just as digital information replaced physical information, bitcoin is the individually sovereign and scarce digital money replacement of nationally sovereign and unlimited money printing.
Bitcoin is such an amazing invention and discovery, that there are tens of thousands of copy cats stealing money from the foolish and brave alike that instinctually see there is something here but don’t realize what it is exactly that is important. And it is easy to get confused. Very powerful people with billions of dollars are keeping the innovation of bitcoin hidden from you. Why?
Well, because bitcoin is going to disrupt the entire foundations of every balance sheet of every individual, company and government in all 200 countries of the world. There are powerful forces that prefer the current system and whom have become and continue to maintain their wealth with the current system. Fortunately, the incentives to keep the debt based system are not as strong as the new incentives that drive Bitcoins growth. Imagine 20,000 competitors with unlimited money all attacking bitcoin, and yet Bitcoin keeps growing in strength and popularity.
Bitcoin is so powerful it has pulled politicians like former US President Bill Clinton, and NFL stars like Tom Brady to get in on the crypto action. Sadly, these popular figures are puppets for the deceitful crypto world that tries to get rich from the immense significance of Bitcoin by riding in it's shadow, and fooling the average investor that crypto is a thing, that it is somehow different and better than bitcoin.
The crypto scammers are very good at lying, and they have powerful friends. Just recently a well known crypto exchange went bankrupt in a matter of days after losing billions of dollars worth of investor funds. Where did the money go? How did the exchange become so popular? They had friends in high places. The exchange, FTX, essentially was a ponzi scheme, in the same league as Enron, Madoff, and Theranos. Yet somehow, their “ESG” score was higher than an actual company producing critically important fuel for the world.
In other words, a complete scam worth zero, had a higher Leadership and Governance score, than a company worth billions of dollars with physical investments all around the world generating life sustaining energy for every person on the planet.
It’s all fraud.

Some of you are still dipping your toes in your governments currencies, keeping investments in the stock markets, playing the crypto markets, looking at a rental property, thinking about investing in precious metals, or just completely unsure what to do. I get it. There is a full on assault, everyday, bombarding you with bullshit distractions. They tell you who or what or when your going to die from the next crash or crisis or war. They tell you why you need to invest in the next crypto scam. They tell you why you need to stay away from Bitcoin.
I get it. I was like you. I had some money in the bank, I had some money in the stonks, I was looking at saving up for a rental property, I was thinking about how to buy some gold and where to store it.
My dear friends, strangers, and enemies, listen — there is only one money, its called bitcoin. You might not like it, you might be scared of it. And you might already like it, but you’re still sitting on the sidelines to buy the next dip. What’s the point?
Your money should remove your anxiety. Your money should free you from the uncertainties of tomorrow. It’s simple. Set an amount to buy each week and forget it. Stop looking at prices. Stop worrying about the next government propaganda insanity. None of that matters. Focus on what matters in your life. Focus on your friends, and your family. Work for that next promotion. Work on your craft. Hit the gym. Quit a bad habit. And in the meantime, all you need to do is stack bitcoin and chill.
Yes, you need to learn to self custody your bitcoin. You don’t have your banker tie your shoes for you, and you shouldn’t have your banker hold your money for you. It’s your money, take control of it. Get your mind right, get your money under control, and the rest will follow. I guarantee you, if you just Bitcoin and Chill, you are going to 10X your life over the next five years. You can do this!
I know you’re scared, but don’t be scared, you’re gonna die. So start living!