Suppose you were given the opportunity to hand over all of your bitcoin, all of your satoshis, today, right now, and in return, the next day when you awoke the world would be on a bitcoin standard. However, if you do not hand over the corn, the chances of the bitcoin standard outcome remain as they are today, highly likely yet not a certainty, and you will therefore continue on in this quagmire of fiat clown world, with increasing, yet uncertain, annual wealth on your bitcorn stash.

Would you, knowing the tremendous wealth that you would be handing over, do so, if the loss of that wealth meant the guaranteed success of bitcoin, with bitcoin the base monetary layer, the medium of exchange, the unit of account, and store of value for the entire world, the very next day.
This is, obviously, only a thought experiment. First of all, there is unfortunately no such ability to turn the world into a bitcoin standard overnight. Although we can envision scenarios where the transition could potentially happen in a very short time frame. And secondly, handing over your bitcoin to someone or some group could not miraculously activate this transition to a global bitcoin standard. Nevertheless, the thought experiment is a good one. Is your soul prepared for what could come? Or are you a bitcoin larper?
For the answer — YES, obviously I would give up all my bitcoin, or NO I would definitely not give up all my bitcoin — opens up a window into the mind of the respondent. Their answer reveals to us a clear picture of their understanding and importance of what a bitcoin standard brings forth, and therefore the respondents conviction level to achieve this bitcoin standard.
Are you prepared to bring forth this bright orange future, anon?
Suppose you were given another choice:
Option A - keep all of your bitcoin, but all the lives of all the people in Asia, or Europe, or Africa, or the Americas would end, today, right now.
Option B - destroy all of your bitcoin today, right now, and all the lives of all those people in Asia, or Europe, or Africa, or the Americas, would continue uninterrupted.
Now, what would you choose? Would you give up your future wealth to save BILLIONS of lives? Maybe? Maybe not?
How about if the public knew that you decided to keep your corn in exchange for the loss of billions of lives. Would that social pressure push your cowardly little mind into the morally bankrupt direction of public savior? Pathetic.
So many shitcoiners larping as bitcoiners. We are here to fix the money, and with it, to fix the entire world, and pull billions of people out of the abject poverty that they are imprisoned within, including yourself you human paraquat! Grow a backbone. Stand for something greater than yourself. Step into your role as man among men. Reject the bankrupt notions the fiat parasites have incepted into you. Cast them out. Regain control of the eternal light that is your undying soul my brothers and sisters. Bitcoin is not a negotiation. Act like it.
I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, that their ignorance is the reason for their lack of conviction. For if you understood the colossal changes that will occur within a market built upon a sound monetary base, my mind lacks the ability to understand how, with this understanding, anyone would forgo living in that world over the current state of affairs we find ourselves writhing in. For the poorest person in a bitcoin standard would be miles off better than the wealthiest person in a fiat standard.
As a simple example, the poorest of people living in a bitcoin standard world will have orders of magnitude lower chances of being killed by seasonal pandemics or errant asteroids than the wealthiest person living in the current fiat standard.
How could that be?
There are two primary drivers for this reasoning. First, we must consider the magnitude of the amount of labor/time that the whole of humanity possess, their cumulative daily potential labor/time, and second, we must consider how this tremendous amount of labor/time, this awe inspiring resource is applied, within a fiat standard, and within a bitcoin standard.
Where do many of the smartest engineering students go to work after completing their education? Is this labor/time applied to the development, improvement, and advancement of society's needs? Or instead is this labor/time working at highly sophisticated casinos, gambling with equities, debts, and the derivations thereof?
When doctors finish their medical educations, and they begin their practice, do they spend their labor/time discussing their patients eating, sleeping and exercise habits, or are they incentived to push pills, elective surgeries, vaccines, and lab tests?
When school teachers present their lessons to their students, are they spending their labor/time teaching the students how to learn and how to think critically, or to learn how to repeat what they were told, and destroy their sense of creativity and wonder?
When the millions of wage earners around the world are spending their labor/time on assembly lines, are the products that they are making designed for a lifetime of use, or are the products designed to fail after a short time frame because of planned obsolescence?
What happens when engineers are incentivized to engineer, when doctors are incentivized to doctor, when teachers are incentivized to teach, when workers are incentivized to build timeless goods?
And what happens to all the people of all the world that can enjoy the benefits of the engineers new technologies, to the healthy patients of the world reducing healthcare costs, to the thoughtful students of the world becoming better engineers, teachers, doctors, and workers, and to all of the fulfilled workers of the world building new long lasting products developed by the engineers?
I spend most of my day working in an office. My job is to make sure the government collects their required tax from businesses. Essentially, I make sure the guys with guns take enough from the guys without guns until they are satisfied.
What a phenomenal waste of my labor/time. And how many millions, nay billions, of people have the same shite jobs or have no jobs thanks to the corona plague and economic planned demolition.
Fiat has incentivized my labor/time to this profession of navigating complex tax laws, all of which are simply nothing more than theft and misappropriations of someone that has actually built wealth for society. It is my fiat mining day job, don't judge me.
And what would I be doing on a bitcoin standard? What would everyone do?
In the fiat standard, everyone is required to work because no one owns anything. It doesn't matter if you own a home, because you still have property tax rents to pay. No one owns a vehicle because their is annual registration rents to pay. And if you want to have any modicum of normalcy and not be shunned from society as a weirdo to have a normal social life you need to spend some amount of fiat money on stuff which never lasts more than a couple years, because it was designed to break.
A standard of an unlimited fiat supply necessitates producers to maximize a scarcity of quality to achieve maximum profits. Whereas a standard of a fixed bitcoin supply necessitates producers to maximize an abundance of quality to achieve maximum profits. Which means products last for lifetimes under a bitcoin standard.
And what happens when products like your cell phone last a lifetime? You only need to buy it once. And what happens when cars and homes last a lifetime? You only buy them once. And what happens when homes and cars and all other assets no longer have a monetary store of value premium? They all become cheaper. And what happens when money is a fixed supply, everything else becomes cheaper to buy. And what happens when your money goes farther, you have fewer things to buy, and you have more free time?
You do shit you are interested in other than mining fiat wages to pay for shitty stuff.
Why did the engineer get his engineering degree? Why did the doctor get his doctoring degree? Why did the teacher get his teaching degree? Why did the worker not get a degree?
They did these things because that is what they were interested in. And what will all of these people do all around the world when they get to spend less time working? Well, they will do what interests them. The engineer is gonna engineer. The doctor is gonna doctor. The teacher is gonna teach. The worker is gonna work on whatever he wants to work on.
They are going to be, we all are going to be, incentivized to do what interests us. If you are interested in virology and documenting all of the types of bugs that could kill us, your gonna do that. And you are going to be proud and fulfilled with your work, and your gonna share it with your engineering friends and your doctor friends and your teacher friends. And they are going to build networks for testing and notifications through layers of bitcoin networks, and people will be armed with facts, because the producers have incentives to maximize quality, including quality of facts.
Astronomers are going to collaborate and folks interested in not getting smashed by an asteroid are going to contribute, in the monumental amount of spare time that we will all have with a bitcoin standard.
Living in a bitcoin standard world, will be orders of magnitude less “busy” and less burdensome and less stressful with incentivized lower time preferences. If you have an interest in studying bugs or astronomy, I guarantee their will be free or damn near free housing and lodging available for those interested in contributing.
The idea of "work" will fade away in a bitcoin standard word. The idea of hobby or past-time is more accurate. People "work" because they must. People enjoy a hobby or past-time because it interests them. And we all have the same interests in a fiat world as we do in a bitcoin world. Folks that like to build roads or need to build roads for their businesses are still gonna build those bitch ass roads.
Folks that like sharing with the needy are gonna still be sharing with the needy in a bitcoin standard world.
What people seem to not grasp, when they are presented with the question “would you give away your bitcoin today to guarantee a bitcoin standard tomorrow” is the astronomical radical change the world will take on. Not because people change, not because a utopia will well up from the depths of the oceans, or because heaven miraculously falls from the sky, but because the incentives that drive peoples actions under a bitcoin standard would radically change from the current fiat incentive structures.
Just as bitcoin has already dramatically changed those of us it has touched, it is our incentives that have changed, not us, we are the same greedy selfish people we were and will be. These traits have allowed us to dominate the Earth. And that will continue. However, what will change, is our incentives and the efficiencies built into an un-confiscatable, immutable, monetary ledger system. A limited money incentives collaboration and understanding. It enforces property rights, through an eloquent consensus structure of sovereign individuals as opposed to sovereign states.
In the bitcoin standard world, the poor man is not poor. The poor man is free to choose his life's interest. Their will be people willing and able and wanting of your help with whatever mutual interests you share. And the wealthy man that shares your interests will share his wealth, for the wealthy man understands, that it is the collaboration of us all that is the source of our wealth, and it is the poor mans partnership with the wealthy man to work together on shared interests that will not only improve the poor mans position in life but will simultaneously improve the wealthy mans life in this new positive sum game, enabled by a fixed monetary base.
The fiat standard is a dog eat dog world of zero sum. Giving all of my bitcoin away today (although I actually have none because of a tragic boating accident recently) for a bitcoin standard tomorrow is a simple answer, yes, unequivocally YES!
To those that would prefer to wallow in a fiat standard - where there is a much higher probability of mass extinction of the human race by some unknown, because fiat has got us killing each other and wasting time in what truly is a breathtaking and awe inspiring, unbelievably magnificent universe - for a 99.99999% chance of someday attaining a bitcoin standard where you will along the way obtain your uber-wealth, you good sir can kindly GFY.